Say Goodbye

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Say goodbye to your social life. It's marching band season, and school is starting. Rehearsals right after school almost everyday until it's dark, so add homework on top of that, there is no free time. But when second semester comes, you won't know what to do with all this new found time that you have. Best of luck to everyone this band season. I hope you all got cool shows! I wish upon you cloudy days without rain. Not too hot, not too cold, and less sunburns. You still need sunscreen by the way. Clouds will lie to you. But let's be honest this is my third year and I still don't wear sunscreen when it's cloudy. I do on my face, because that burns so easy.y arms and legs don't though, but that's my body type. You will burn, even if there are clouds. Ask my face. Learned that the hard way. Anyway this is just a little rant. That I've probably already said half of this stuff in previous sections, but I hope you enjoy my return.

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