Busy Busy Busy

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If there's one thing about band it's that it take up an extraordinary amount of time. School is crazy enough as it is, but put band on top of it there's like no time for anything.

My senior year has been super crazy without band, but this week especially is insane. Saturday was prom Sunday morning until 3am was after prom. Sunday night (right now) we are on a bus after a rehersal heading to a state competition and will be gone all day Monday. Thursday morning until 1 I have a field trip to go rock climbing at Garden of the Gods for my last gym credit, then at 1:15 I leave for a Jazz contest in Greely, CO at UNC (GO BEARS!) We will be gone all through Friday. To be fair this is probably the craziest week of the year for me, but it's only crazy because of band. We don't have school on Friday because it's the anniversary of Columbine, so thankfully I won't be missing school then.

Band is always crazy you almost never get a break from it. At least in the schools who focus a lot on their music. Summer is Marching Band, fall is Marching band, winter is Pep Band, spring is concert and jazz band contests.

It's always insanely busy. But I love it, it's a good kind of busy that teaches students good time management skills. I've fallen in love with band and excited to make it my life. Litteraly my whole life because if I become a director I will literally have no time for anything else haha.

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