Sunburn Help

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Alright band campers, listen up!

School's almost over and that means that band season is about to start!

We got to brace ourselves for the war to come. We will fight potentially to the death against the sun. For if we loose this battle we could suffer anywhere from minor pestering redness to skin cancer.

Obviously don't go out into the war zone without any armor on. Good old spf 5,000 is your friend.

But should your armor fail you, or you didn't put it on, here are ways to solve it.
1.) Cold water
2.) Aloe Vera
3.) Solarcane

I'm gonna elaborate on the 3rd one a bit, because most haven't heard of it.

Everyone's skin is different I'm just saying how this works for me.

Solarcane has been this miracle stuff for my sunburn treatment. I haven't had a burn that's peeled since I started using it a couple years ago. Now that's saying something because I'm a band kid. I've had some nasty burns, but I would always put it on my burn right away. It brings a lot of relief and it's my favorite sunburn solution because 90% of my burns were gone when I woke up the next morning. Or at least mostly gone. But I'd like to mention again that my skin might work differently. And if this was an ad I'd probably lie to your face and say wow this stuff works like magic. It doesn't work as well once you've started peeling and blistering, but it helps.

I hope this helps save the lives of those who don't wear their armor. This is a battle field, and our enemy is most dangerous when you don't even notice it's there. Aka. Clouds. The sun masks itself to make us feel safe enough to wander out unarmed.

I feel like this is super cheesy, but I'm gonna post it anyway. I hope you enjoyed my lame attempt at comedy.

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