Chapter 13

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All you wanted to to was be near Bunny. Your heart was racing, and you could feel throbbing in your ears. Light flew around you, streaked with shadows. You got off the bed, but as soon as your feet touched the floor, the ground rushed up to meet you. You felt yourself collapsing, and your head hit something solid before you heard voices. 

Bunny: "(Y/N)!" 

North: "Don't touch her!" 

Bunny: "But I - " 

Ombric: "He's right, Bunnymund." 

Aiden: "Please tell me she'll be okay." 

Ombric: "I believe she will be." 

Pitch: "She'll be fine... But she needs help." 

You were paralyzed; you couldn't feel your body and you couldn't organize your thoughts. You felt completely and totally helpless. Overcome with confusion and shock, you sank into unconsciousness. 

You woke up to North's face peering down at yours. You blinked quickly and tried to sit up, but your hands were bound by some kind of coverings. They were white and looked like gloves;  you felt your hands trembling beneath them. Was it keeping your powers contained, or keeping the grey coloration from spreading?


"Stay calm, (Y/N)," he said quietly. His voice was tinged with fear. "It is okay." 

"W-What's wrong with me?" 

"We... We are not sure." 

"But - " 

"Ombric would like to speak with you." 

"North - " 

"I will get him." 

"Wait - "

He left quickly. You leaned your head back and lifted your hands to examine the coverings. They stopped near your elbows. A sigh escaped your lips, and something sickening swirled in your stomach. You swallowed it away. You didn't understand anything that was happening. Why had you heard the voices of Aiden, Ombric, Pitch? you weren't even sure where you were. 

The door opened again to reveal a pale Ombric. He dipped his head formally, but his usual friendly nature was gone. Instead it was replaced with hesitation. 

"Mother Nature. Good evening." 

"Ombric, what's happening?" 

"We don't know," he admitted. He didn't seem to want to move from his position near the door, like he was ready to flee. "You have darkness in your heart. The same kind that Pitch had." 


"All we know is that Phaedrus has got something to do with it." 

"Well, Ombric - " 

"We mustn't speak much, (Y/N), not until we have some answers." 

"Why not?" 

"It is safest. For all of us." 

"Ombric, wait - "

"Go back to sleep, (Y/N)." 


He closed the door quickly. Your heart was hammering as the door shut. Why was everyone so secretive and so afraid? You shifted and felt something tight around your waist. Slowly, you moved the sheet that was lying across you and found a thick belt keeping you bound to the bed. You felt sick. They were keeping you bound here, collectively afraid and suspicious. Your fingers scrambled to pull it off, but it wouldn't budge. The more you struggled against it, the more panicked you felt. Tears stung your eyes. 

Insincere - Sequel to "Heartfelt" (Bunnymund x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now