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Hello all who inhabited reading my book. I am your author, littlemusiclover_127, also know as Sparta. Skittles and Science and A Unique Kind of Love are such good books, I decided to give this story a try and see if I can achieve the writing talent like the authors of mentioned books. So if there's weirdness, don't mind. And if there's terrible things to happen, I'm sorry.

Now to begin the story...

I am out.


*Curtains open*


I woke up to my alarm clock in neon colored numbers. 5:50 am I read, apparently early as usual.

I slip on my hello kitty slippers and head downstairs. I heard my brother Thomas open his door as I was walking down the stairs, just signaling me to go faster. Avoid the dumb boy as much as you can.

I made it to the kitchen to find my dad checking a cars catalog. He had a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee in his hand, taking a sip from it every once in a while.

"So, buying my a car dad?" my brother asked as he stretched out while saying so. He was in a dark blue sweater while he wore batman pajamas and had his fluffy blue slippers on.

I snickered at his appearance as he was able to see clearly now. He looked at me in confusion and became interested in my stare at his clothes. "What are you looking at?" he asked. "Nothing, it's just your appearance. It's just like a little boy. It's so cute," I replied.

"Sis, we both know I'm always cute, but I am not a little kid."

"If you say so," I said.

He stuck his tongue out at me, and in response I punched his arm. I walked into the kitchen to make myself a waffle, while Thomas just stuck to making a breakfast sandwich. After preparing our own separate meals, we then headed to the table to eat.

I set my plate down and went to get a drink. I grabbed the container of orange juice from my fridge and two cups. I brought them over to the table and set them down.

"Um...," I said. 

"What's wrong?" Thomas asked.

"Thomas, you bit my waffle? I thought we discussed this before? No eating my food," I scolded.

"It wasn't me!" he screeched. 

"Then who was it?"

I glared at my father as he was crunching on the part of my now bitten waffle. He just glanced at me and chuckled.

"Sorry hon, but you make a decent waffle just like your mom," he said with a full mouth. I don't think he can go a day without mentioning a similarity between me and my mom. 

"Geez thanks paps for taking a bite out of my breakfast. Now I shall eat this for me and me only."

My brother just looked at me in amusement. I gave him a bad look and he just went back to his sandwich.

One waffle and a breakfast sandwich later.


I got on my clothes and shoes and grabbed my backpack. I took a look in the mirror and checked my appearance. All just the same.

My brown hair wasn't much of a significant factor, or at least to me. My dad would constantly comment on how my hair was so similar to my mom's. He probably said this to me a lot because Thomas doesn't have long hair. I could never really reminisce with my dad over my mom. I could hardly remember a thing about her. Thomas and I were both too young before we could make memories with her. 

I walked out of my room and downstairs to find my dear brother obsessing over minecraft.

"Hey Tommy."

"Never call me Tommy," he ordered.



"No." I said.


"You fell for it," I laughed.


"And that is why I'm the smarter and older one."

"You're not smarter and you're only older by 3 months," he replied.

"Yes, but I'm still older."

"I don't know how you're older by three months," Thomas stated in confusion.

"Oh well. But I know I'm not adopted."

"Yes you aren't."

I walked in triumph as I walked towards the couch to grab my jacket. Now I wasn't quite sure if I actually am adopted. Is that why dad keeps reassuring me of my similarities to mom? Or maybe Thomas is adopted. 

"Why do you always play minecraft?" I asked him. He spends about fifteen hours of his day playing minecraft. It's just blocks. Blocks decorated to look like nature. Why was he so amused by it? Couldn't he have gotten into the Sims or something?

"Like you don't?"

"I play, but not everyday," I defended. "Hurry up before we're late for school."

"You take long in the morning," he complained.

"And you take little to not enough time to get ready for school."

Thomas had brown hair, like a bush but not bushy. I don't know how to describe his hair, but his hair looked good on him. Just say it suits him. Much easier. And he wore a normal tee, and jeans. He had red vans. He was the total definition of a boy. Basic.

We stepped out onto the porch. It was raining not hard but hard enough to a certain point where we could easily get our clothes soaked. We grabbed the umbrellas and waited for the rain to calm down. It seemed a bit windy. Scratch that, it seemed to be very windy. If we had decided to take our umbrellas out with us any further they would have probably been carried away by all the wind. So then we got tired of the rain and went back inside.

"Why aren't you two gone yet?"my dad asked. He sounded as if he didn't want us at home.

"Rain paps," I replied with a groan.

"So? Anna rain isn't an excuse," he scolded.

"It should be. Lets just wait a little bit okay?" I said.

"Fine dear. Make sure you drive carefully Thomas. Don't want you guys crashing."

I'm very convincing, much persuasive.

"Yes paps," Thomas said.

But I'm also quite salty because I'm older but Thomas got his driver's license first.

After waiting for the rain to calm, we walked quickly to my brother's car.

"Remind me why you park outside the driveway?" I asked.

"So dad has space to drive out in case he leaves early to work."

After a five minute careful drive, we arrived at school.

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