3: More

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Conner and I were sitting face to face. Real awkward, really. Ms. Therese had moved the desks so that each partner faced each other, except for that one lucky person who was left to work alone. That person was Carey, and her project is to raise a baby on her own pretending to be a divorced mother, and she's very happy about that. Lucky her.

Conner and I just sat there, neither one of us talking. I just stared at my pencil, thinking of what to say. Boy, was socializing hard. I was about to say something, then my breath was cut short because I refused for myself to speak. But then he started to speak. He wasn't loud though.

"Um, my favorite colors are blue and green," he began. Well, that's a starter. 

"Mine too," I said as quietly as him. He looked like he had hope in his eyes and raised his head a little to meet eye contact with me. His eyes were pretty. They were the same brown as mine, except when I looked into them there was more emotion. More than I have felt. His black hair was spiked up, a normal guys hairdo, not a Mohawk though. Why was this important to state? I actually don't know. I guess it's because there are some days when his hair is swift similar to Justin Bieber's old hairstyle but nicer, and on other days he has that f*ckboi look going on.

He was pretty interesting. He even sits next to me in literature. He wears normal tees and either capris or just jeans. He looked tall, even though he was only about two inches taller than me. And to think of it, he isn't that quiet. We talk a little in literature, but that's it. He has his friends, I have mine. We never actually hung out. The conversation has never gone beyond the classroom walls.

Wait what am I thinking? 

I turned my attention back to my pencil, completely unknown that I had zoned out for about three minutes.

"I'm into Adventure Time," he said.

That caught my attention. Nerd. But I also like adventure time. Double nerd.I imagine being b-mo at times, being a cute little robot. Life would be so much easier in that universe. Well, that is if you remove the Ice King at times and the love triangles between the Flame Princess and Princess Bubblegum, and if you throw Marceline into the mix things just get more complicated.

We continued our chat. Now that I had a small lead as to what he could potentially be interested in, I had a few more ideas to start up our conversation. Little by little we gave out some information about each other. 

He doesn't have any particular favorite food, but for mine I said I like Italian. He likes running, and so do I. Apparently we're in the track team together. I don't pay much attention to the other people in our track team. I'm too anti-social for conversation. Not joking.

He likes sweaters, and I do to. He doesn't like class much, but I like math. Which is crazy, really. I mean who likes math right? That's right, me. His birthday is September fourth, while mine is December twenty-fifth, yes, Christmas. We're about two months apart, I think. Just because I like math doesn't mean that I'm always good at it.

I'm a Capricorn, he's a Virgo. Basic things. He's catholic, I am too. He hates the squeaky sound a pencil makes and all, which should be a sound that every human hates and if not, you can all chop off your ears like Van Gogh did. Why would you even tolerate that kind of sound? 

He has a cat named Pebble, and he used to have a dog named Bam Bam. If you don't understand the name references, go on and search it all up.

The bell rang, and the day went on.


I got home and laid on my bed. I am completely and utterly exhausted. I feel as if I don't have the right to say that statement because I didn't actually do much today. Either way, I don't have the true right to claim that statement, even if I did just say it in my mind. 

It was pretty interesting talking to Conner. We talked about things, and we found some things in common. We would continue our chat tomorrow, Friday, when I see him for class again. I would pack over the weekend, then by Monday I leave home. I took my phone and texted Trina.

Doing anything after school tomorrow?


It's been twenty minutes and I have received no reply.

I called her phone and she finally picked up.

"Hey Anna-Bee," she answered. Her voice sounded a bit, shaky.

"Hey Trina what's happening?"

"I'm with Drake trying to handle the baby," she replied. I could hear the sound of Drake's voice in the background.

"Okay I'll just talk to you later," I replied disappointed, but I wasn't going to let my voice sound like I was.

"Okay then bye!" she replied, and soon enough she hung up the line.

I ate dinner afterwards, then told my dad about what was happening with the project and hand him the note, and he didn't seem to have any problem with it. That bothered me. Why would my father, my only parent, be okay with me, his only daughter, leaving the house to live with a stranger for three months.

Thomas, just like my dad, was okay with the whole idea of me leaving. In fact, he was extremely happy about it. Throughout the house you could in fact hear him singing very loudly to songs in his bedroom.

The trip from the dining room and up the stairs to my bedroom was not at all exciting. In my perspective, it was just sad. Obviously it was so sad for the rest of my family. I mean, you could hear their songs of crying and their casual eating dinner faces and see the sadness. Truly, you could.

I full-on slammed my body face first onto my bed. I groaned very loudly, but since my face was being muffled by my duvet you couldn't actually hear me. It took me a couple of tossing and turning moments in my bed before I could actually manage to fall asleep. 

This, was in fact, a tough night for me.

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