2: Science Buds

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"I told you yes."


We were all at the dinner table. Paps and I were talking about the science project. I thought that he would say no, but he just said yes. My dear brother, well, he was sitting there eating like this changes nothing.

"Are you sure paps?" I ask again.

"Why would I say no?" he questioned.

"Because you have no idea who the guy is," I replied in a 'no duh' voice.

"You said he seems nice and respectful," he threw back at me.

"That doesn't mean a thing," I pouted. I stuffed a forkful of pasta into my mouth and ate furiously.

"To me it does. You're a pretty good judge of character."

 "Meaning?" I asked curiously.

"Don't read too much into it." Again with not telling me the rest of their thoughts. Just like Principal Groves.

"Still paps," I sighed. He had already check marked yes and signed his signature.

"Yes! Anna out of the house. I won't have to be bothered by some comments on my appearance."

"School still," I said.

"I'll avoid you," Thomas replied. Ouch. What a loving brother he is.

"And I'll patronize you," I said, knowing I had already won this battle.

My father handed me the slip, and I sighed, grabbing it.

Two cups of soup later.


Bed was my favorite place now. I wish that project didn't exist.

Trina, news alert, terrible project heading my way. More details tmrw.


I'll explain detes too, see yah tmrw Anna-bee.

I sent 'ok' and left my phone on my nightstand. I didn't feel ok about any of this. This weird half semester project. I think it's a bad idea. How did Ms.Therese even convince Principal Groves to allow the project in the first place? Oh yeah, I think it will be a great idea to have the students move into their random classmates' houses. It's definitely a learning experience if you ask me.

My thoughts drifted away as I fell asleep.

A dream about unicorns later.


"Unicorn adventure, huh?"



It was lunch and Trina and I were stood by our lockers. We were discussing my dream, but then we quickly jumped to the thing about my science project.

"So that's what your class is doing. My class is-"

"Hey Trina it's your turn," a guy interrupted.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot. Sorry Drake," Trina apologized.

"Remember, the next hand off is at one o'clock," he informed her.


What was that?

Trina carried a toy baby, which was right now just making baby sounds. By her side was a baby cart with a bottle and food and a spoon. A pack of diapers were located at the bottom, and baby clothes too. There was also a box that read 'baby medicines' along with a pacifier.

"Care to explain ?" I asked curiously.

"Oh sorry. I was gonna say, for our class we have a husband and we have a baby to take care of. We do actually switch off every two hours. We have to care for the baby. It can give fake poo and pee and spit or vomit. We have to insert the bottle or spoon of food if it's hungry, the pacifier if it complains. Then put medicine in it's mouth if sick and crying. Rock it to make it's eyes close and sleep, or to make it stop crying. Clothes if puke or spit stains it's clothes. We even have to do it's laundry and buy diapers if it runs out. And a cart to make it go around and be entertained. If its just making sounds it's okay. It's a girl."

"Ah I see. Half semester?" I asked

"Yep," she replied.

"Who's that daddy that was here?" I smirked.

She looked at me and grinned. "Drake Astro."

"The guy in the school musical?"

"Yes the lead singer and hottie!" she screeched.

The baby started crying and she started rocking it.

"Whoops," she said quietly.

"Good for you," I grunted.

"Hey Anna-bee I really am sorry for you."

"Don't worry I'm happy for you, it's just that I wish Ms.Therese gave us a simpler assignment."

Trina checked her watch giving me the signal.

"Horoscope time. Ready Anna-bee?"

"Not really," I said worriedly.

"Too late. Oh dear, today may seem to be what we call 'digging a hole and never coming out.' You may feel like you want to hide and never return. Feeling like things that you thought weren't important seem like parting with these things is bad. But that's just your nervous side. These things are still unimportant. You just don't want to go through this certain event that's been on your mind. But remember, your decisions could possibly lead this thing you think is bad to happiness."

I didn't want to part with my bed last night. Was the horoscope serious? Second time true.

Trina looked at me worried, trying to read my expression.

"Look, I know it seems like a bad thing, but you never know."she said trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah I guess," I replied.

"C'mon why don't we go to the vending machine and get some Kit Kat. Get things off your mind," she suggested.

4 Kit Kat pieces later


"Okay students I've got all your papers. More than fifty percent of the class got a signature and check marked yes. The rest said no. So this will be our project for the rest of the half semester."

It can't be.

It can't be.

"Now I want you to travel and sit next to your partners," Ms.Therese directed.

After that, she checked up on everyone.

"Ms.Therese, Jillian is absent," Kate informed.

"Then you will have to inform her tomorrow, Kate."

Ms.Therese walked partner by partner, but I had no idea what she was saying. The entire time, Conner and I had not spoken a word since we sat down.

She finally made it to our table.

"Okay, Mr.West and Ms.Montgomery. Annalise, you will be the one who will be staying in Mr.West's house. His guardian approved and didn't give any reason as to why not." Great. Why couldn't he be the one moving instead?

She continued to tell other pairs of this, then stood in the front.

"Listen up!" she started, "those who are leaving home, you will pack things from home like clothing, shampoo, and stuff and all. But no furniture or TV or your whole closet. Just a few essentials, even a stuffed animal or something but that's it. I will be sending you home with notes for your parents or guardians to inform them. Today and tomorrow, you will be spending your time getting to know your partner. You start moving out on Monday. Consider yourself not just roommates, but from now on 'Science Buddies'.


A/N: Hehe it's boring I know, but continue reading if you want. Yah I guess. This is not edited.


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