8:Stargazing and Roof Hangout

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"You can't be serious" I said to Conner as he held onto the side of the rink. Teaching him wasn't much of a challenge, but I had to admit it was a challenge.

"I don't know Anna, lets just do something else you know, something safe" he said with a shaky voice.

I sighed, grabbing his hand and helping him simply skate on the rink. "Don't be such a baby."

"A baby?" he said a bit surprised. "I am not a baby."

"Says the guy who won't ice skate."

He huffed at me, releasing the side of the rink and slightly skating. "I'll try then."

I smiled at him as I swiftly skated by his side. But what I didn't understand was why the rink was never filled. It was nice and cheap, not to mention pretty big, and was nice. They even played music while we skated. A cafe was laid at the side of the skate renting booth, so I found it perfect. But I didn't get why not much people came here.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I turned to Conner who's butt made a 'thug' sound interrupting my train of thought. And, instead of taking the situation seriously, I was giggling like crazy.

"Ya ya I know embarrassing for me. Now help me up."

I stretched out my arms to him as he got up from the ice rink and I helped him skate. "Can we please do something else?" he pleaded. I sighed, giving him a look. "What are we supposed to do at 8:00 pm? We were only here an hour."

A smile spread across his face, quickly grabbing my arm and skating me to the exit which was about 30 meters from us. "I have an idea!"

We slowed down and started making our way towards the exit again, seating ourselves on a bench and removing our skates. After returning them, we got our shoes from the lockers and made our way to Conner's car. He started to drive, drive home.

"Why are we at home?" I asked him. "Just get into a shirt, comfy sweater, and pajamas" he commanded me. "I'll meet you out here in 7 minutes" he said parking the car and rushing into the house.

I followed after his orders and got dressed into a t-shirt, my comfy sweater, and Spider-Man pjs. Putting my hair into a high messy bun and slipping into a pair of slippers, I stepped outside to find Conner.

"What's all this?" I asked him. "We are going on an adventure" he said as he grabbed my hand and led me to the backyard. "Wow what an adventure, the backyard" I said sarcastically. "This adventure requires climbing, you up for it?" "Of course!" I said excited. Me and Thomas had always loved climbing the trees in the backyard, so I never minded an adventure like this.

I had followed him up a tree and jumped onto the roof. What revealed was an area on the roof, with some cloths and wood to make a little fort. A blanket and a picnic basket was set beneath this fort as the stars were seen.

"What's all this?" I asked him amazed.

"When I was little, I never had privacy. So I met up here and took some things and made a small fort. I go up here sometimes. And now you're here" he said.

"What about that I'm here?" I asked.

"I have to go up here more often and avoid you" he said sadly.

"Whatever!" I said shoving him

"But anyways, the view of the stars from up here are great" he said to me. And the view really was great.

After about an hour we went back into the house and slept.


"Okay class. Exciting news! Instead of half of the first semester, the whole half of first semester" Ms.Therese said excitedly. The class groaned in annoyment. We all sounded like zombies.


"Class dismissed" Ms.Therese said.

I think me and Conner are argument free for a bit, which benefits to the fact that the date was extended.

I made my way over to my locker.Trina was once again pushing a baby stroller with a quiet baby inside and Drake Astro by her side.

"Hey Annalise how's it like living in Conner's house?" Trina asked me. "Great actually. I see you two are playing parents really well" I said. "Yep we are very happy" Drake said as he put his arms around Trina's waist.

"Anyway, Trina horoscope time. Wanna hear yours first?" I asked her. She glanced at Drake, as I saw her "I'm so sorry" look. "Annalise,me and Drake have practice today. Maybe next time" she said pushing her stroller and off the halls with Drake. My best friend didn't just ditch me.

But she was acting like just a regular friend.



I lost more followers, give me a break guys -.-

Anyways, 310 votes!! I'm really thankful. I'll probably only update when I reach my next goal of 325. anyways, I love you all and please don't unfollow x3 Vote, comment, follow, suggest, post on my board, and message me. K bye!


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