7:Happy Birthday To Me

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By the time it was 9:00 am, Conner was gone. I was on the couch with a blanket over me.

My calendar reminded me that it was 10 days till Christmas.

I was excited about it, until one thing came up.

I hadn't bought presents for anyone.

I thought hard about it, the job I was on paid well, and I would get my next paycheck next week. So it was time to shop.

I went up to Conner and asked him if he could give me a ride.

He had said yes, but he wanted to go to the mall too. So, being the rug I am, I told him sure.

We went to almost every store in the mall, plus the food court.

But my gift for Thomas was going to be amazing.


After we arrived home, I ran up to my room and took out Thomas present.

It was 120$.

I was going to make this fun.

I wrapped it in a small box, leaving a note saying Merry Christmas Tommy.

Then I wrapped it in a bigger box.

Then I wrapped the box in about 20 sheets of newspaper and duck tape.

Then another box.

But this time one whole roll of wrapping paper.

Then I tied a ribbon around it. But, really tightly so he can't just slide it off.

Then a bow.


I had gifts for Conner and his family too.

I slid the gifts under the tree with the rest of the presents.


12:00 pm.

It's now Christmas.

Grabbing my cup of hot cocoa, I ran downstairs and yelled my greetings.

It turns out they were awake too, out in the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas!" said Sheral.

She stretched her arms out as she said my name, signaling to hug.

We opened the presents, one person first.

Their mom went first, opening Sheral's present to be a nice mug. A nice purse from Conner, and a scarf from their oldest brother, Marvin. I gave her a nice box of chocolates. Thanking us, she moved on to the next person, Marvin. Sheral had given him a game of gta a.k.a. grand theft auto. While Conner, gave him a beautiful box of absolute paper with words that said "Get a life". I, gave cookies. His mom, got him a job catalog. Sheral opened her gift from her mom, being a beautiful necklace.

Her next gift was a wonderful roxy bag from Marvin, then a beautiful jewelry box from Conner.THen came my gift. She opened the small box, revealing a small bracelet with a silver plating revealing the words engraved saying,"coolest sister ever".

And as for Conner, he got a gift card to the waffle hut from his mom and brother? And then a pair of vans from Sheral, then from me a picture. It was the first and only picture we've taken together. In class, I took a picture but he put his head down, yet it's still decent. It was in a clear wooden frame.

He smiled at the memory of it and hugged all of us.

Then it came to me. I didn't expect to receive any gifts, but to not be rude I accept. I got a Macy's gift card from their mom, a box of chocolates from Marvin, and then came Sheral's gift. She had gotten me the same exact bracelet.

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