1: Horoscopic

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We got out of the car and quickly walked into the building. Luckily, we still had about ten minutes until class would begin. I power-walked to my locker, quickly passing by everyone but politely making sure not to shove. I am a lover, not a fighter.

I shoved my books in my bag, and shoved my other books in my locker. This is the closest I will get to shoving things.

"Hey Anna-bee,"my best friend Trina greeted.

"Hey Trina!" I greeted back.

"What happened today? You're later than usual."

"Rain,"I said.

"Hey, sweater weather, "she said with a shrug.


"What? The bell already?"Trina exclaimed.

"Wait for me Tri!" I said following after her.

We were running down the hall, like all the other people. This wasn't happening. The bell already ringing. I'm already late for class.

Me and Trina parted ways as she ran to her class that was nearby mine. This wasn't good.

"Ms. Montgomery you're late," Ms.Reynolds said.

"Um... the bell-"

"No buts or any nonsense. Principals office now," she directed.

"I'm sorry?"

"Principals office."

Before I knew it she shooed me out of the classroom and told me that I couldn't come back until I had a note from the principal. She had to be kidding me. Why was she being such a prick? Because she's a prick. Simple. But that's rude, Anna. I know, I know. But don't tell me that she wasn't being a prick, because she was.

I walked down the hall and waited for my turn with the principal. I was sitting in the chairs of disgrace as most people call it. There were more people than usual. Ten people I think? Not including me. I guess their teachers are as mean as Ms. Reynolds. Or maybe they're just trouble makers. Who knows?

"Next," the desk lady said. It was my turn.

I slowly got up and walked into the principals office. First time in here. I never want to be in here. But here I am. 

"Ah Ms.Montgomery, never expected to see you in here," Principal Groves said. Neither did I.

"Sorry Principal Groves, but how do you know my name?"

"Annalise I'm a principal and I keep track of my dear students. Especially my troublemakers."

She overlooked me from her glasses, then masked her eyes once again.

It was either that she's excellent at keeping track of her students or she's bs-ing me and she heard of the next student walking into her office.

"Listen I didn't cause any trouble it's just that I didn't expect the bell to ring that early and I arrived late to class," I explained.

"Yes we've been having that problem, many people come in because teachers are complaining."

"Yes and I can't go back to class unless I have a note from you."

"Ah I see. No worries. What class are you coming from?" she asked, taking out a sticky note and pen.

"Ms.Reynolds, literature room 20."

"Ah that woman," she sighed, "never gets how to be kinder to students. Just try to get on her good side though, no matter how stubborn and strict she is."

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