Life Hack #16: The Trick To Chocolate

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As teens we tend to crave the deliciousness that is called chocolate.

This delicacy likes to leave gifts on our faces that we all know as PIMPLES.

Possibly the most annoying things in the world. But fear not my dear readers. There is a trick to enjoying this devious delight without getting pimples. It's as simple as one word: Water.

Drink at least one litre of water to detox after eating chocolate and you should be able to avoid pimples.

A little fun fact about chocolate: it cures most problems.

1) Pain
2) Sadness
3) Dizziness (for low blood pressure people)
4) Cravings
5) Dementor attack (For us Hogwarts students)

Now go out into the world and enjoy chocolate!

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