Life Hack #19: Contacts

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I know some of the most awesome people in the world wear glasses *points at self and nods LIKE A BOSS (reference)* and I also know they get tired of having it on their face. This often leads to expensive purchases otherwise known as contacts.

Cutting to the point, my tip today is that when wanting to use contacts make sure you have FRESH solution, CLEAN hands, SHORT nails, NO make-up on your eyes and have taken EVERY precaution before attempting to put them on. The person who trained you to use them was not kidding when they said you can get an eye infection if those rules aren't followed (by the way some of those rules were added by me e.g.) NO make-up). 

You're better safe than sorry because just three days ago I used mine to school and I had followed all those precautions except for having short nails (mind you, I had cleaned my nails, I'm not foolish), but somehow something went wrong. My poor right eye was crying and making my nose runny for two days till finally I went to the pharmacy and got some prescription eye meds. All better now...phew.

Moral of the story: You're better safe than sorry when it comes to contacts.

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