Life Hack #17: Don't Be Afraid To Seek Help

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I know many teens experience depression or fall prey to drugs or self-harm. I also know sometimes it feels like there's no way out because people don't notice or don't understand. You may be afraid to seek help but you shouldn't be.

There are counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists that you can go to. You don't have to be ashamed of going to one or being depressed because your feelings aren't something to be belittled.

Now I know not everyone can afford or get access to a therapist...or even a GOOD therapist that doesn't just want to put you on meds to make money. So, talk to a teacher or friend that you trust, and if you're brave and have a good relationship with your parents then tell them. They will try to help you get back up on your feet.

If all that doesn't work, then find a book full of empty pages and write down your emotions, feelings and sorrows. And ya know what...get a pillow at the ready. Punch it when you're angry and hug it and cry when you're sad.

And for all the religious people out there: pray. (Enough said)

I really hope this helps. My last few words of this chapter: Be brave and hang in there because there are at least two people or more that love you more than anything.

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