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Sooo i'm back in the Netherlands.. Ugh i wanna go back to Greece 😫🌴. But a good thing is it will be a boring week for me bc all my friends are on vacation so i have a lot of time to write👅, if i have inspiration😂 so please comment some things you would like to read and maybe i will put them in the story and i will give you a shoutout thingy ofcourse💋


Hanna's POV

Today Sophia and i decided to go shopping after school, because we where bored and done with watching Netflix.
We went to the city and bought a lot of things. i bought some heels, two dresses, a new bag and some makeup. Sophia bought a pair of nike sneakers, a skinnyjeans, a cute black dress and parfum.

We where walking through the park because we wanted to get a icecream when i saw Caleb sitting on a bench.
"Hii baby, what are you doing here?" I asked when i reached him
"Oh hey Han, i didn't saw you comming"
"I'll go get the icecreams" Sophia said walking away. I sat down next to Caleb "So why are you here?" I asked "Just enjoying the weather" Caleb said while he closed his Laptop. "Uhh okay" i said while i looked at his Laptop, why does he so secretly with his laptop..?
"And you? Shopping again?" He laughed when he looked at my bags "ofcourse" i laughed "you're an addict Han" "maybe, but maybe you will be very happy with whats in here" i smirked "Oh really" "yeahh" He put his arm around me to get me closer and than kissed me. After a while talking Caleb still kept looking at his laptop that was on the other side of him.
"I didn't know you have wifi out here" i said while he was looking at his laptop again.
"I've got a hotspot in my pocket"
"I know, but what does that have to do with your laptop" i smirked.
He laughed and than kissed me again but this time passionately, our lips moving slowly on the rythm when he asked me for permission to let his tongue enter my mouth. The kiss became rougher and i pulled away before it went too far.
"Hmm whats wrong" Caleb moaned.
"I have to go back to Sophia"
I stood up and kissed him on his cheek when i wanted to walk away he grabbed my arm "Can you come over tonight, with your new stuff?" He smirked.
"Hmm we will see Rivers" i laughed and i walked off

I entered the icecream shop(?) when i saw Sophia outside talking with a boy. She was laughing and blushing. I waited till he left and then quickly walked over to her.
"Who was that?" I asked
"Huhh?" She said while putting the icecream in my hand
"Don't be ashamed who's that boy?" I asked again.
"Fine he's just my project partner for biology" she said.
"He's cute" "hmm"
"Don't play dumb with me honey, you like him" "no i don't"
"Yes you do" i said while laughing
"Shut up Han" Sophia laughed while walking back to the park.


I was in my room packing some stuff to go to Calebs so i could go right after eating. When i got some messages from the girls

~Spencer: Girls i'm bored af we should go do something fun tonight💃🏽
~Aria: Yeah we should!
~Emily: We can go camping? ⛺️
~Aria: Yass that's fun and we can do marsmallows and spookystory's😝
~Spencer: okay thats a plan tonight at 7 at the parking for the forest?🤘🏼
~Emily: Yes but Hanna has to respond, but i know she likes camping😏
~Me: I'm heree and yes Em i like camping😝, but Caleb asked me if i wanted to stay over at his place tonight😁
~Spencer: Good idea we can ask the boys to join us👅
~Hanna: that sounds fun, i will ask Caleb💋
~Emily: we should ask Alison too..
~Aria: Go ahead Em



So a new (filler)chapter i wanted to write the camping part here too but i also wanted to post something today so there will be a camping chapter this week

What did you think of it? And what do you think Caleb is hiding from Hanna on his Laptop?

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