Prom part 2

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Hanna's POV

"Is she alive?" I asked confused. Alison stood there. She was back and totally fine. i didn't know if i should be happy or a little dissapointed. I know that it sounds harsh, because she's my bestfriend. But she also made my life a living hell and i didn't wanna go back to hefty Hanna. Caleb noticed that i was a little uncomfortable so he put is arm around my waist and hold me close. "It's gonna be alright, i'm with you" he whispered in my ear.
Alison entered the room and was walking in our way. I took a step back and so did the others.
She now stood infront of us. We all staring at her and she staring at us. Nobody was tuff enought to start talking when Lucas appeared. "What are you doing here Alison?"
He asked. "I'm here to party and to take my crown" she laughed while twisting some off her hair around her finger. "I thought you were dead and so did the others?" "You didn't think it would be that easy did you?" She giggled. Now Emily took a step closer to her "Where the hell were you the past 2 years Alison?!" She asked almost screemed in anger. "You let us al believe you where dead and now you're coming here to take your crown? Go away!". Alison was a little impressed by Emilys move she didn't expect that at all from the one who loved her once more than a friend. "I'm not leaving" Alison said while taking a step closer in Emily's way. That when the principal entered. "Whats happening here? Why's the music off?" He asked confused. Thats when he noticed Alison. "Omg Alison Dilaurentis is that you?" He asked as confused as all the other people in the room. "Yes it is me" Alison said. "Omg you're alive!" He said while looking at her in disbelieve. "To bad she is" i heard Mona whisper in Lucas his ear. "What did happen to you let me take you to the police!" The principal said. "No, let me party and i will go to the police after prom and i will explain everything" she said. "Alison i really think you're parents wanna know you're here. Alive." He said. "No i don't want that rightnow please." "Fine, but i will take you to the policestation after prom!" He said.

I grabbed some punch while talking to the girls. Caleb had to go to the lavatory. The girls and i were talking about Alison. About here appearance and her new behaviour, because she was talking to people she probably even didn't knew. "Watch out bitch is coming" Aria said while taking a sip of her punch. I quickly turned around.

"Well well well look what we have here" Alison said. I turned around and we stood now eye in eye with our once 'dead bestfriend'. "I saw you all have a boyfriend? Even you hefty Hanna? Didn't expect that" she laughed. I stared at the ground whil covering my belly with my crossed arms. "Did you really think you could become prom queen? Nobody wants a fat queen" she laughed again. I couldn't handle this anymore so i dropped my punch and ran away. "Hanna wait!" I heard Spencer scream.

Spencer's POV

"You can go after her Spencer she can't run fast with all that fat" Alison laughed. "Who the hell do you think you are?! talking that way about your friend!" Emily said really angry now. "She's right Alison. We were scared for you for 2 years we didn't know what happened with you and we kept looking for you because you were our bestfriend! And now you're back and treating us like some shit! Go to hell" i said while running after Hanna and so did the others and that left Alison alone a little shocked about our behavior.

We run through the hall way looking for Hanna when i bumped it to someone. "Caleb!" "Spencer, Aria, Emily?" Caleb said. "Did you see Hanna?" Emily asked. "Hanna? I left her with you guys so why would she be with me?" He asked i could see the concern growing in his eyes. "She was untill Alison came and said some really mean stuff about Hanna. Like hefty Hanna, you know her old nickname.." Aria told him. "Omg i've to find her and when i have i'm gonna kill that Alison bitch."


So a new chapter! Sorry it's so buzy with school now but i promise i will upload prom part 3 this week too!

I feel so bad for Hanna, poor baby. I'm sorry this chapter wasn't much Haleb but i wanted to do a little different chapter. So i hope you guys like it :)

Don't forget to Vote and comment! You would make me the happiest!

Love A

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