Family issues

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Hanna's POV

Today Caleb was coming with me to help me pack some boxes before we were leaving to LA. We were leaving in 4 days and I couldn't be more excited to be moving away out of this hell hole city. Ofcourse I was going to miss my mom like crazy, but luckily Aria and Emily where going to the same college. Spencer was going to DC with Toby and Alison yeah who know's what she's planning. I don't give a shit at all.

I was really happy that I could start a new chapter in my life. Hopefully a better and normal one.
Caleb promised me he wouldn't tell anyone about the cutting unless I promised him I would stop and he was going to help me with it. Moving away from Rosewood was one of the solutions for it.

Caleb pulled his car into the driveway of my house. We walked towards the door and I opened it. When we went inside I heard a lot of noise coming out of the kitchen.

"Mom?" I shouted walking over to the kitchen Caleb behind me.

"I can't believe you are letting Hanna move away with that gutter-child! She can't throw her life away like this! She's to young to think sober and make such decisions like this!"

"Hanna knows exactly what she wants and Caleb isn't a gutter-kid! He's like a son to me so don't talk like that about him!"

"Unbelievable! You're out of your mind! He's dangerous for Hanna before you know she gets raped and she ends up somewhere in the gutter. I'm not letting here go there!"

"You can't tell her what to do you're never around and you're never here when she needs you!"

That was it. I stepped in to the kitchen Caleb still behind me not knowing what to say. I knew it hit him when someone called him such things and especially while talking about hurting me. I know he never would do something like that to me.

"I can make my own decisions!" I shouted when my das turned around.

"Hanna.." my mom said while she saw me joining the conversation.

"What? Why is he even here? He's never here, he's never in my life so he doesn't have any rights in it!" I said Caleb put his hand on my shoulder.

"What are you doing here?!" My dad asked angry when he noticed Caleb coming in to the kitchen.

"Helping Hanna pack" he responded

"Get the hell out of this house! She's not coming with you!"

"Hell I'm!" I shouted at him.

My dad came over to me and pushed me a side.

"Tom!" My mom screamed when he pushed Caleb backwards so he hit the wall.

"Caleb!!" I screamed

"What is wrong with you!" I screamed towards my dad while I pushed him back.

"You dirty slut go out of my way"

I didn't know what to say. My own dad calling me such things I just stood there so he pushed me a side and I fell down hitting the corner of the table.

"Don't call me when you ever need money or when that skunk knocked you up! You're dead to me!" He shouted before the front door shot with a loud noise.

I started crying not knowing what to do. My mom and Caleb rushed over to me and tried to calm me down.

I hate it when my dad acts like this, I hate it when he treats Caleb like this and above all of this I hate it that I can't be the daugher he wants me to be.

Caleb pulled me into a hug before helping me get up again.

"O Hanna you're hurt" my mom said looking at the scratch on my head

"No it's fine"

"Han you're bleeding" Caleb said while rubbing my forhead.

My mom went to get a wet towel end a patch and tried to clean the wound.

"I'm sorry Hanna, I'm sorry he's like this"

"It's not your fault mom, you can't help it he's like this"


Short update hope you like this it's a request from @Nzingap 💖 there will be a
second part of this thursday

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