§ Arriba, abajo, al centro, adentro

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Two months earlier:

February 7th of '64, Glimmer got impressed: the Shuffle Pub was crowded. Her every birth was celebrated there since they allowed her presence, but it's been a few months since the last time she've been there, so the girl was very curious about the number of people there in that particular night. 

- Ohhh boy, the whole town came to see you got wasted for the first time LAWFULLY Glimmy!!! HAHA.

Her friends' group walked toward the bar laughing at Louis' words. He was already high when they arrived and, even with all his efforts to hide his homosexuality, its was impossible for him not to be a crazy queen with alcool in his bloodstreeam.

- A round of tequila, Joe! 

- Today's on the house, kids!

Joe was an old friend of Glimm's grandpa, they served in Russia together during the first world war. Shuffle always had it's doors opened for the group because of it, even with a full house on that night, Joe got they a great sit. 

- The Pub is catching fire tonight Joe, who's playing? - Asked Diana calling Trish and Lou's attention.

- Ow, i'ts just some band that a friend of mine is helping. The kids are good, look, they even got some fans. - Joe, excited, got up and went back to work.

The tequila arrives and the friends begin the anthem "Arriba, abajo, al centro, adentro", taking the hole shot at once. Spining, Glimm hears the frequency of some plugged instruments, just about time the lights turn down, announcing the begin of a cute boys' gig.

After another shot and some beers, the Shainfields already were the band's biggest fans, Glimm and Lou were sharing a cigar right next to the bar while the sisters danced by the "stage".

During one of the band's breaks Glimm decides to go to the restroom. The girl gets down of the high seat, leting Louis know where she was going. The walk to the restroom took longer then she expected, Glimm had to open her way through a bunch of fangirls and some big guys to get there. The pub was very strait and the restroom would probably be overcrowded, so the girl decides not to use it. Kept walking by the wall till a 'only allowed people' area, here the restroom won't be nasty, the girl thought.

When finally caught up the employees rest room, Glimm had problems with the heavy door, but regretted opening it as soon as she saw what was inside: a half naked girl and her boy really making it happen. Maybe this one is nastier, reconsider the girl.

Glimm was already going away to meet Lou, when hears a man's voice. 

- Don't you want to use the toilet? - Glimm looked back and saw a blondie, kind of robust man, with a sasy smirk and hair all over his eyes.

The girl pretend not to see him and turn back to the bar.


The crowd begin to come back to the stage when a pale, skinny and certainly drunk guy shows up holding the mic. It was Lou.

- Guyys, have you seen my cookie?? She went to the restroom and never came back. HAHA but for real now, our tequila has already arrived and she didn't. WHO WANTS TEQUILAAA??

Everyone was laughting out loud at the scene, but not Glimm. The girl had no idea about how she would get him down without being on the spotlight.

After a reflection moment, the girl goes closer to the stage and tries to quiettly call Lou, unsuccessful idea.

- There she is!! HAHA Guysss, today is this sweet pumpkin birthday, come here Glimm!!

The girl tries desperately to get him down, but everybody start to screem for her to get up there, so Glimm gave in and got on the stage, completly against her will.

When things couldn't get any worse, Glimm sees the band coming back and spots the restroom blondie holding a guitar, already playing a birthday song.

The whole Pub sang it and all that Glimm could think about was how slowly she'd kill Lou later and how shinny the lights were up there, except for the blondie one, she couldn't see anyone else.

The whole Pub sang it and all that Glimm could think about was how slowly she'd kill Lou later and how shinny the lights were up there, except for the blondie one, she couldn't see anyone else

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Glimmer's outfit.

By: Giovana Mello

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