§ Some childhood memories

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It was past three o'clock and nothing, no sign of the band. The girls started getting concerned about the storm coming and about Mrs Shainfield's arriving home; when the mom noticed that the girls weren't home, she'd found a way to pick'em up, wherever they are.

Said and done. Glimmer went out to buy cigarettes and some candies at a bakehouse near by, a few moments after that mrs Shainfield pulls over the car, at the Abefourth St. and starts yelling. 

- When you, young ladies, want to hide something from me, don't tell Louis. I can't believe you girls lied to me that way! - Annie didn't even gave the girls a chance to talk something about Glimmer. Both got into the car, leaving their girlfriend behind.

[Glimmer's POV On]

The street was almost desert when I came into the main avenue of the neighborhood looking for a bakery, I kinda knew where to find it. As I walk I realise that people were slowly disappearing from the sidewalks, probably thank to the grey sky announcing the rain. By now I start to regret the outfit choice made this morning. My feet were already hurting, although comfy, my shoes had small hells.

The bakery was about three blocks from the Abefourth St. Here, in the main avenue I recognize some places from my childhood, as Daisy's Games House. I used to spend the whole afternoon there till grandpa pick me up against my will. Impossible not to laugh when I remember his scolds on my behavior.

Standing across the street was the gates of Brixton School, honestly, I never got a Games House so near by a school, whenever there was a chance the students would run for it in a blink. There was also the Rambler cine, I loved it, Lou thought it was tacky.

Right after the cine was the bakery, it seemed a little too fancy for the neighborhood. I can't remember how the old place was, but this is certainly a brand new bakery. I cross the street and step into the bakehouse.

I walk straight to the sweets department, trying not to look around too much so I wouldn't want to buy more than I should. Next to the really nice deserts was a redhead employee, a very strong and good looking employee, that helped me. I order some mini pretzels, that looked incredibly tasty. 

Those just came from the oven, I made them myself. Hope you like it. - The redhead smiles, making me feel a little weird, but I smile back.

Walked toward the register slowly and felt the eyes of the handsome guy following me, he looked sweet, but not my type of guy. On the register, I noticed that they did not had my favorite cigars, I grabbed some other brand, payed the small fortune and got out the ginger's and food porn sink of iniquity.

As soon as I step on the sidewalk the wind blows and again regret the clothes, I was not ready for the rain. My skirt's fabric was too gentle and danced around my body as I walk against the drifts. By lucky or not, I dressed a heavy coat given by Lou on my last birthday, it was warm, but after the rain it'd be a fashion disaster. Lou'd never forgive me.

Turned the corner of the Abefourth and felt the first drops of rain, I ran to the car imagining that the girls were already in, but when I reached it, there was no one.

[Glimmer's POV Off]

[Glimmer's POV Off]

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Glimmer's outfit.

By: Giovana Mello

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