§ I better go

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[Glimmer's POV On]

The rain sounded lower, almost inaudible and I didn't knew since when it was like this, cause a few minutes ago the noises in the room were others. I sit down on the corner of the bed and it seemed bigger without all the pillows and sheets. I look around searching for my lost clothes, Keith was in the bathroom and I'd rather be dressed when he got out. Heard something from the other side of the door and dressed up quickly.

I sit down again trying to look casual as soon as I change, but probably failed it cause Keith looked at me with a silly smile. Much for my surprise, the shy boy looked very free. Only in underwears, I could see all his body, his arms were more set than I thought, forearms sheltering some jumped veins and big hands. Now his hands looked a little rough, but then they were really soft and urgent.

After a while looking at each other, Keith walks through the room, grabs the shirt he borrowed me from the floor wearing it and a pair of jeans. From the pocket of the trousers he took off a Marlboros pack, lighting up his own. I get one from the package and before I could pick up the lightner Keith gets down, face to face to me, touching the tip of his cigar in mine, lighting it.

During the smoking, I notice that Keith likes playing with the smoke, he was on laid down, leaning on the back of the bed paying attention to the shapes that the tobacco could draw in the air. He finishes the cigar and turns his face to me, dragging his body to the middle of the bed, Keith taps the mount of blankets, inviting me to join him.

I get up and slowly walk to the bed, now with the two of us on it, it looked smaller. When dressed, Keith looked too skinny, but now I could see that his back and shoulders are actually great. I lay next to his body, but he pulls me even closer to whisper something in my ear: 

- Why are you dressed again?

I trembled with his voice on my neck, I think he noticed because right after it he pulled me a bit more closer. 

- I better go before the rain falls again, Keith.

He stares my lips with a funny face. 

- "Keith" sounds too serious coming from you, call me Keef. - He says getting my dress strep down, peting my shoulder with his tip toes.

I close my eyes, feeling his cold fingertips on my hot body. I want to stay more.

- I better go - I say trying to wake up from his touch - can you take me to the door Keeeeeef? - I say pronouncing his nickname slowly and a little smirk grows on his lips

He gets of the bed and opens the closet, picking up a cute grey sweater.

- Take this coat, and I'm calling you a cab, don't even try to deny it. - He walks out of the room followed by me.

I gladly put on the sweater, the apartment was freezin' and the tissue was really soft on my skin. As I walked across the living room I could smell Keef's perfume coming to me on small waves because of the sweater, a mix of cigars and a woodsy smell that I couldn't recognize. A warm and cozzy perfume.

We hear the cab's hooter and Keith walks me to the door, waiting for me to put on my shoes. Befour I left, the boy gave me a quick, but nice kiss.

- It's my favorite sweater, so I guess we'll have to see each other again. - He says with a naughty and funny smirk, as I walked down the stairs to the hall.

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