§ Half of my Marlboros

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The rain decreased a little, it would be okay to go out of the car to open the umbrella without getting soaked. Glimmer opens the passenger side door and tries to open the umbrella, but it flew away from her hands because of a strong blast. Keith took of his coat, while ran toward the girl, sharing his cover with her. Keith pulls Glimmer closer and both crossed the street with his coat over their heads.

Keith opens the apartment's door a bit ashamed, they almost never have unknown girls there. Glimm took of her shoes, the place was a mess, but she didn't wanted to worse it watering the floor. The boy didn't get her attitude, but asked about the mini pretzels to break the ice.

The sofa was already small and all the boy's stuff reduced it even more. Keith tries to take all the vinyls and stuff off there, but gave in, sitting on the floor.

- You can sit on the cauch.

The girl crossed the living room pulling the pretzels out of the purse. For Keith's surprise, Glimm didn't seemed to care about the messy house. He got even more surprised when the girl grabbed a pillow from the sofa and sat on the floor with him.

- Now, I bought only a few, so we'll have to share it democraticlly. - Glimm laughs and starts to get some dirty glasses off the table, putting them on the floor - So, what's your name? I'm not sharing my super expensive mini pretzels with someone I don't even know the name. - The girl smiles.

Keith rises his head with a funny smile on his face.

- Keith, but I should be asking your's since you were stealing a car on the street. I'm pretty sure you're going to try to steal something soon.

Glimm laughed loudly, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her purse. The girl takes one of the cigars with her mouth and offered it to the boy.

- Can't believe you smoke this shit! - Keith said grabbing his own pack off his coar. It was a Marlboro pack, but was soaked. - Fuck, wait, I think there's more at Mick's.

While the boy walked out of the room, Glimmer looked arround. She haven't noticed before that the room was filled with musical instruments.

Keith reapears on the hall holding two towels on his hands and a packege of dry Malrboro's. The boy removes the coffee table and sat near by Glimmer, handing her one of the towels.

- You're watering my whole living room. - Keith said smiling, using his own towel to dry the hair, splashing drops of water all over the floor.

The girl got up, hanging her heavy coat on a chair. The towel got wet in a moment and wouldn't help with her humid clothes. Glimm turns her attention back to the table and realises half of the pretzels were gone. Keith laguhed a little, cleaning his sticky fingers on his jeans. The boy took off his shirt when saw a big water spot on the cauch were he was leaning.

- As I already ate half of the pretzels, I thinks I'll take a shower - the boy says noticing that the girl got uncomfortable. - You can use the telephone and smoke half of my cigars - he smirks and starts walking - Oh, and you don't need to think that I'm a perve or something like that, the front door is unlocked, besides, its me that should be scared, scared of a nameless car stealer.

Keith walks out and Glimm pick up the cigars, getting one out of the package with her lips. There wasn't any lighter around, so the girl gets up to search for some matches in the kitchen. For Glimmer's surprise, she easily found them. Curiously, the kitchen  was the most organized room in the apartment. She lights her Marlboro and gets back to the living room.

The storm was banging hard on the apartment's window, telling that the girls was stuck in Keef's apartment for another minutes, or hours, so she decides to explore the apartment. Every object in that house was related to music somehow, there was no TV, but there was plenty of amplifiers and stuff like that. She sets on the couch and starts to check some records, between the pile, there was some notes and one ordinary piece of papper got the girls attention.

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