§ Man talk

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Sitting next to the disc player, Keith was ready to put on Janis' record,  but the door suddenly opens, stopping him. A breeze comes in the living room and the boy mentally curses Mick because of cold and the interruption, putting the tape in his pocket.

- I thought you were sleepping at Charlie's today. - Keith says moody.

Mick shrugs and leaves the room, going to the kitchen to check on the food.

- No, I didn't got to the market yet - Keith complains from the living room. 

You should - Mick says - I ate at Charlie's and I didn't brought anything .

Keith ignores, his thoughts went back to the intense afternoon. The boy gets up, putting on a pair of Brian's shoes and walks to the door. 

I've eaten too - he whispers closing the door behind him. 

From the kitchen, Mick listens the door slamming, grabs a glass of water and decides to go to his room execute him late plans: having a cigar laying on bed.

Already in the room, Mick goes straight to his night stand looking for a brand new pack of marlboros. The boy opens the drawer and the package was no longer there. Grumbling, Mick walks towards Keith's room, place where the cigars would probably be. The boy opens the door, and faces a mess not very common in that room - Keith usually kept his stuff all set up because of the size of the place. Mick sees the package on the floor, gets down to grab it and when arises, notices a woman's coat lying on the chair.

The coat didn't looked like a groupie jacket and was still smelling as perfume, it's owner probably was there earlier. Mick assimilates the room's mess and the left coat and notices that the friend got lucky today. The boy pulls the chair and sits down, thinking about how many time since his last time, although his fame, Mick wouldn't get laid with any chick.

The package was no longer full, but Mick mentally forgives Keith, puts a cigar on his mouth, searching for the lighter in his pocket. The boy takes another look around and spots something tiny under Keith's small bed. Knees down next to it and grabs the tissue. A lacy pantie. Mick laughs, Keith really got lucky today.

Back to the chair, panties on his hands, Mick, surrounded by dirty thoughts, didn't heard the knob and got surprised by the door opening. Quickly, Mick tries to hide the tissue in his pocket, but as soon as realises who it was, relaxes. Brian laughs casually, giving Mick a smirk look.

- Have you fucked a girl on Keith's tiny tiny bed? - Brian asks smiling.

Mick gets up laughing back, already living the room.

- Just don't tell him, dude. Keith would kill me.

Brian nods.

Relax, for the panties, the girl was good.

Brian was the funny guy, everybody loves him. His big smile delighted every single groupie, he was far hers favorite.

Mick gets in his room, leaving the friend on the corridor, still smiling.

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