A-Ling's Mission

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A-ling slammed her fists against her table. "They've GOT to slip up someday!" she yelled. She rammed her head into a pillow on her couch. 

She stared with hatred at the lifeless corpse in the jar. She stormed over to her Mac-Book and started searching on mmm.web.powers.com (mmm stands for mysterious magical magic)

She used a dusty book she found in one of Destiny's cottages, a book written by Destiny with the help of Xreato, called Magic Powers.

In the chapter about upgrades, Aling scanned it for clues about her own upgrades, and Xreato's and Luna's and Destiny's.

She sighed. She turned her attention back to her Mac-book. She scrolled down the page until she found a website called: Shady Power Upgrades or SPU.

She clicked on it, and there were fill in the blanks. It read: "USUALLY YOU'D FILL IN YOUR POWERS BUT WE'VE SHUT DOWN THE SITE. SORRY"

Aling screamed. She balled her fists and walked to her gumball machine. Violently, she hit a number combo and punched the "RELEASE" button.

Starshine's orb rolled out. The little hollow ball or orb glowed brightly. Aling put the orb into a machine, which increased the orb and person to their normal size...

As soon as that happened, Aling turned and looked into the orb. "I want something from you, Shiny." Starshine shook her head. "I won't do anything for you," . Aling laughed. "Oh Shiny, always making jokes." Then, she became serious. Aling smiled. "Anything is... quite undefined and general, Shiny. You don't have to DO anything.. You need to tell me something." 

Starshine refused. Aling's eyes darkened and she sent a current into the orb, electrocuting it and its insides. Starshine screamed in pain. "THEY WILL STOP YOU!" 

"Oh Shiny, still believing in those two losers. They haven't made and appearance. If they do, they'll end up like their pal over there."

Starshine refused to help Aling again. "Okay. Listen here, Starry! I just need to know their power upgrades!" Aling screamed, annoyance leaking into her already frustrated voice.

"Why?" Starshine asked. Suddenly, it clicked. "Oh my... You want to do magic gene tracking! No I will NOT let you know!"

"Clever, clever, Starshine. You want to sacrifice your life for those poor, lost, losers? Fine then. Have it your way. You can suffer. I will take away your friends, your family, your loved ones and I will wipe out those pesky people and I don't care if I die doing it, because if I go down, so do YOU and everyone around you!" Aling screamed. She orb shook and high voltage currents rushed through the orb.  "Actually, I'll make you suffer until you tell me EVERYTHING I want to know, including the location of those two pesks!"

Starshine howled in pain. "Please.... stop...." The currents didn't stop. They just increased. They chained her arms and legs and pulled them apart until it felt as if they were going to rip of. 
Starshine blew a snowflake out of her mouth and sent it along the currents.

Aling turned around, and Starshine was pale and on the bottom of the orb, looking weak. Aling sent a surge of power into the orb, like a shot of sleeping gas. Aling connected the orb to a computer which drew information out of Starshine. 

Then, she shrank the orb and threw it into the gumball machine.

A file opened on the computer.  Aling grinned. She read it out loud:

" Xreato:

Her new abilities will either be full expanse simulation, being able to simulate any situation, this is the full ability of her dark power or being able to talk to the dead. Xreato has seemed to be dormant, but she is still roaming, just in another realm, which can be reached only by uniting the rainbow and dark powers, or otherwise simply just having enough imagination. 


Different from Xreato, she does not fulfill the dark power ability but will be able to morph into other people and not only animals, and if she can, objects too. This changes her face, body, eye colour and essentially a fully-fledged disguise power. 


This is a side effect of the rainbow power, and can be both bad and good. To be psychic is different from mind reading, because it can access all the corners of a person's mind and send or implant ideas and give back memories. Like telepathy, but it amplifies the mind talking. 

A-ling: Me? 

Aling has always been talented but has been taken over by darkness. For that reason, I give her full reach of her possession powers. Her mind will be open. Should she find Luna and Destiny, I hope she forgives them and me. "

Aling looked back at the gumball machine. She frowned. 

Whatever, she thought. I'll get back to my power tracking amplifier. 

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