Unveiling Powers and Issues

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Where did we stop? Oh yes. Let's skip forward to the next day, I'm sure you don't want to be reading some boring nonsense about their (of course) failures and successes. Whatever.

Well, A-ling forgot her jewelries the day she visited, and threw a tantrum at Lee for forgetting, and stormed off feeling very frustrated and forced the cafe, after that, for a free cup of tea. She then continued her search, and ordered her "minions" to search every galaxy for the duo.

You might be thinking, from the start of the book, some things simply didn't happen. Right? Well, smart, smart you! That's what I was wondering, too. It wasn't documented, so obviously the meetings never happened.

Now, after the Aling fiasco Lee explained the whole of this book so far, or the whole story, to Saminah and Andela. Their plan, if that was what you would want to call it, is to have a total of 50,000 Lings by the end of the month, and to be honest, that would be difficult since the cafe's daily collection was probably about 50 Lings and the most money, from Lee and Dahlia's extra businesses, which weren't open as often thanks to their conditions, was about 200-400 lings for daily collection.

They had to keep Aling coming, so they offered the cheapest foods so that Aling would spend less money. Also, it was convenient for Aling since she was scouring the Ala Galaxy, which was pretty big, all by herself. You're asking, Aling has an empire. Why would she do it herself?

Answer is: Aling's so worked up about finding the duo herself, that she says if she finds it, she'll get the reward and keep it for herself. What a charitable leader, and amazing role model!


Lee yawned. She and the rest had stayed up late into the night to build an unauthorized extension to the cafe as Andela and Saminah took their "room" so Lee sneakily bought a cheap air mattress from Jiji's store and duplicated it. But they had to be very careful now. Aling was using hi-tech that could sense power being used.

Oh, I've got very carried away, forgive me. Now, their "plan" was to raise the money to (pay Saminah and Andela SOMETHING, and their selves,) buy some supplies for Dahlia, like chips, and screws, and chemicals, and test-tubes, and to keep the cafe running, and to pay the rental, which had dramatically risen thanks to Aling (to worn the duo out).

Once they had supplies, Dahlia would use her passive powers, aka tech stuff and make some gadgets for them. The power tracker wasn't sensitive, so passive powers could be used, like nature, and technology. They had to be careful with witchcraft and metal, because those could be counted as active.

They would be sending Saminah to deliver some food to Aling and some jewelry too, and hopefully they'd let her in. Dahlia would make a mini earring live stream camera for Saminah, recording all the things she saw in Aling's residence.

One earring would be a camera, another an infra red and heat sensor, searching for the guards, and mainly, the zodiacs. Lee would help by making the earring out of an unsuspecting type of metal, so it would not be noticed.

Dahlia, Andela, and Lee would watch from the connecting screens (to be purchased). Saminah should try get up close and personal with Aling, and hopefully make her talk or brag about the security, so that Dahlia could try and hack into the system.

Saminah would have two earrings on one ear, a double piercing on one and only one on the other. The extra earring, which was just a clip on speaker and mic, would allow those in charge of the mic at AFROE to whisper into Saminah's ear. This would be Lee and Andela.

If, they manage to find the zodiac's room, probably fire, rust, and shock proof, Saminah would pretend to scratch her ear and actually push a small button which saved her location. She would do this in heavily guarded areas too.

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