The Search Begins

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A-Ling, using the magic DNA tracking device, flew around the galaxies in her 100.10% gold Travel-Pod. After about 5 hours, she saw a speck of glowing, colorful dust. Her device started beeping like crazy. 

A-Ling grinned. She put the dust in a small plastic bag, and opened Ling, something like Bing and Google. She Linged her coordinates. She was just outside the Ala Galaxy. 

"Who would've dropped a speck of dust?" A-Ling said to herself. "Destiny, destiny, you silly girl. Now I can find you and Luna! Oh no! This means... they're coming for me. Let's see what the people think about this." 

A-Ling flew back to the A Galaxy- almost 56% of it belonged to A-Ling and her palace. 

Reporters and journalists swarmed around A-Ling as she landed. "Hello, your Majesty! Can you tell us what you were doing-" 

A-Ling smiled, flashing her brilliant white teeth. "Well, I was out looking for the Danger Duo." 

"Wow, your Magicness. Can you tell us more about this? Are the Danger Duo coming back?" asked one person, holding a mike to her face.

"Well, it seems that they are not the Danger Duo. They are the KILLER DANGER DUO. They want to murder me and the people. I found traces of their black magic outside the Ala Galaxy. Everyone must be careful! Anyone who sees magic, call me. One can transform into animals and people, controls nature, weather and metal, the other is a practicioner of spells and can burn you or make it rain on you. You will be rewarded heavily!" 

She sashayed into her special gold limo and zoomed off to Cafe AFROE  for her jewelry and some decent lunch, hoping to continue her search too. 


Early that morning at the cafe,  before their new workers arrived, Lee looked into a mirror. She saw Xreato. She froze. Is the mirror bewitched?  she thought.

She shook her head, saw A-Ling and screamed. Suddenly, Lee heard another scream. Dahlia was screaming. "Again?" Lee thought. 

She sighed. Lee wondered what they would do with A-Ling, and with Sammy and Angie. Reluctantly, she went to see Dahlia. When she opened the door, Dahlia screamed. "GET OUT OF HERE A-LING!" 

Lee backed away. She looked in the mirror and saw A-Ling, before she saw herself. "Dahlia? Angie and Sammy are coming... and what do we do with them? Also, after you fainted, I saw the news. A-Ling found traces of some magic dust you dropped. Everyone's looking for the Killer Danger Duo. " Lee said.

Dahlia groaned, and went to freshen up. She took a headache pill. "Okay. So where are they?" Dahlia asked. She was just about to pour herself a cup of tea when she heard the unforgettable ding of the bell clinking as the front door of the cafe opened. Two voices called out.

 Dahlia's question was answered. Lee walked out to see them. And when they saw Lee and Dahlia, they screamed. But Lee covered their mouths, and dragged them into the kitchen.

Angie and Sammy squealed and hugged the both of them. "Where's Xreato?" they asked.


"She's... gone." Lee said. "Oh." Nothing more was said. Dahlia, still dizzy, tried to lighten up the mood. "Well, umm, I'm Dahlia and that's Lee. One of you will be waitress and the other cook. I think all the recipes are in that box. But if they ask for dessert, call me because NO ONE TOUCHES MY CHOCOLATE! Hopefully you saw those two sheds, it's our new business. OK. So whoever comes up to the shacks, ask them to come in and eat or whatever.  We need a lot more money rolling in." 

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