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It was supposed to be a win

We were supposed to win.

We were gonna save the world..

Ladybug held her breath as she saw Chat Noir get stabbed in front of her, Hawkmoth grinning evilly and jabbing his staff deeper into her partners chest. Chat coughed up some blood, his body stiffened. As Hawkmoth yanked the pole out, he went limp, falling to the ground. Ladybugs scream could barely be heard, as she ran over to the hero. She pulled his body close to hers, tears stinging her cheeks. Chat's eyes were half open, his pupils expanded so wide that you could barely see the green in his eyes. His breathing was fast and ragged, as he held a hand over the wound. Hawkmoth stood at a distance, smiling as he watched the scene before him. He was having too much fun watching this, to even consider taking the Miraculous stones. Ladybug was crying, as she shook the boy.

"Chat! Chat! Chat please speak to me!" She cried, his blood making her red suit an even darker red. Chat's eyes drifted over to Ladybug. His Ladybug. He smiled, reaching a hand up and placing it on her cheek.

"My Lady, you ruin your beauty when you cry.." That made Ladybug cry even harder.

"This is no time to be flirting! Come on, get it together!" She sobbed, tears falling onto the cat hero's suit. He smiled, blood dripping from his mouth. He gently wiped her tears away with the hand still on her cheek. Ladybug pushed her face closer against his hand. Tears came back once again. Chat's breathing began to slow, his chest rising and falling lesser and lesser. Ladybug shook him again, but with barely any effort this time. She was losing her partner, she couldn't do this!

"Ladybug.. You're so pretty. Like a goddess. You always made a smile come to everyone's faces, and they all idolized you.. *Chuckle* I've always wanted to know who was under that mask.." Chat smiled, his hand beginning to lose its grip on her cheek. Ladybug raised a hand to press his back to her face, hiccups and sobs escaping her.

"Ch-chat... You silly kitty..." She whimpered. Chat's eyes began to close even more.

"I wish, I got the chance to tell you... How I felt.. I love you Ladybug.."

"You still can! You *hic*still can! Don't die on me.. Please don't.. I need you.. Who's gonna save Paris?!" Ladybug wailed, fresh tears rolling over the dried ones. Chat looked at her, smile still on his face.

"You are.. My.. Princess..." He stopped breathing. His arm went limp as Ladybug desperately tried to keep his hand against her face.

"Chat no!!" There was a flash of green light, blinding everyone in the room. When the light faded, what Ladybug saw made her heart freeze. There, where Chat once lay, was Adrien Agreste instead. And a small black kwami by his head, unconscious, but not dead. Ladybug was frozen. She didn't know what to do. What to say. Here on the ground before her, lay her beloved Adrien, whom she's had the biggest crush on in school. She loved him so much... And he was Chat Noir. But Chat Noir was dead, and so was he. Ladybug, or, Marinette rather, felt whole new waves of emotion rush over her. Her eyes became foggy with more tears, and she gripped his hand tight as she began to scream and cry.

"Adrien?! Adrien!!" She sobbed, shaking the boy even more vigorously now. This can't be, this couldn't happen, she didn't want it to happen, she didn't want to believe it! But it did. And she did. Adrien Agreste was dead. Hawkmoth seemed frozen. He too, was in a state of shock. He stood, unmoving. Ladybug collapsed onto her beloved's body, shaking with tears and sobs. Shakily sitting up, she cupped his face in her hands.

"Adrien... Adrien please..." She whispered. She leaned down to kiss him. His lips were already cold. Ladybug sat back up, her eyes misty and filled with pain. She collapsed back over his body, crying and whispering his name between sobs. Hawkmoth had vanished. It was just the two of them. Ladybug didn't care about Hawkmoth at this point. Because her beloved Adrien was laying here. She stayed like that, for, who knows how long. Finally, with cloudy eyes and an inexpressive face, she picked up his body, along with the small cat kwami, and carried it out. She went all the way to the Eiffel Tower, their favourite spot. She lay his body on the ground, as the first few drops of rain began to fall. Planting a kiss on his forehead, she whispered his name once more, before swinging off back home. Marinette de transformed, catching the cat kwami just in time. Tikki flew over to retrieve Plagg. Looking up at Marinette with worried eyes, she whimpered.

"Do you.. Want to stop being Ladybug? You.. You can.." Tikki sniffled, placing Plagg down somewhere safe. Marinette shook her head.

"Someone has to protect Paris." She said dully. Placing the ring she'd gotten off of Adrien on her desk, she climbed into bed, not saying a word and falling asleep immediately. The next day, was gonna be Hell.

Dearest Chat Noir..(Complete) #MLWattysAwardsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang