18: Bloody Mess

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Riley pushed past Liam running into the living room.

“You piece of crap, how could you do that to her?!” He yells punching Harry square in the jaw.

“RILEY!” I yell, he just keeps cussing out Harry.

“JUST LET ME EXPLAIN DAMN IT!” Harry yells punching Riley sending him backwards, crashing into the coffee table, breaking it in half. Harry walks over to the broken coffee table wiping the blood from his mouth. Riley doesn’t look phased at all, his eyes are a dark color almost black. I look up at Harry who has blood falling from his mouth dripping onto his white shirt.

“Anything else you’d like to do, Riley?” Harry asks looking down at him smirking. Riley pulls himself up and stands only inches away from Harry. I’m not even going to try to stop them, Harry deserves to explain and Riley needs to chill out.

“Not now, I don’t want your ‘girlfriend’ to watch me beat your ass.” He puts air quotes around girlfriend and I lose it. I walk up to Riley, slapping his face getting blood on my hand, but I don’t care.

“He is my boyfriend thank you, I’m his girlfriend, and if you don’t like that you can go ahead and leave right now and never speak to me again.” I say slapping him again. I see the rage in his eyes and before I could do anything his hands are around my neck and he’s pushing me against the wall. I’m losing air, I can’t breathe. I look into Riley’s eyes and I don’t see anything. It’s as if this isn’t Riley anymore, someone else is in control. He squeezes tighter, I gasp for air. I’m seeing spots. I see Harry tackle him and I slide down the wall gasping for air.

I feel arms wrap around me and I instantly know its Louis. I crawl into him, crying, still gasping for air.

“HARRY YOU’RE GOING TO KILL HIM! STOP!” Zayn yells I look over to see Harry straddling him punching him over and over again. Zayn and Liam pull him off while Niall is getting me water. I start crying harder when I see Riley again. I can never trust him again. I thought he was going to be there for me and just ask Harry what was up with the picture then leave. The magazine he had was thrown into the kitchen.

“Here’s your water, Sam.” I nod thanking Niall as he hands me the glass.


 “…and then she just threw herself onto me and started snogging me. It was disgusting. She just smashed her face against mine, I swear.” Harry finishes explaining everything and Riley sits across the living room from us holding ice to his face. I sit next to Harry, his arm around my waist. The rest of the boys decided it’d be best to leave us in the room, so they’re in Zayn’s room watching the rest of the movie. Harry kept insisting they could leave to go eat or something but I said they needed to stay in case someone tried killing someone.

“I don’t even know what you are talking about, Harry.” Riley admitted after sitting in silence for a few minutes, I thought he just didn’t know how to respond. He has no idea what we’re talking about? So what, did he just come over to fight with Harry over nothing?

“What do you mean you don’t know what I’m talking about?” Harry growls through clenched teeth. I rub circles in his back trying to calm him, but it isn’t doing much good. His breathing has increased; he’s tightened his grip on my waist.

“Go look at the magazine I threw in the kitchen, Sam. After you read it come on over you can stay with me.” I give him a questioning look as I stand up, Harry stands up too.

“Harry, stay here.” Riley warns. Harry shoots him a glare then looks at me. I nod, not sure what I’ll do if he’s in there with me when I discover whatever the heck I’m looking at. I walk slowly into the kitchen. Looking down at the ground I see a crumbled magazine at my feet. The back of the magazine facing me, a Chanel perfume ad. I pray to God that’s what Riley wanted me to look at, although I know deep down it isn’t. I feel tears already spilling out, even though I haven’t even seen it; I know it’s something awful.  I pick up the magazine taking a deep breath before flipping it over.

‘ONE DIRECTION’S HARRY STYLES SCANDAL!” reads the head line. I look at the picture, Harry standing against a brick wall kissing a girl, not the girl that wanted an autograph. It’s someone who I’ve trusted with my life. It’s Savannah.


Hey guise! So there's your plot twist! If you didn't quite get it, the magazine cover was a picture of Savannah and Harry kissing. Which I thought was kinda self explanatory but just in case, there's an explanation.

I don't have anything to say!! For once haha oh! So I'm going to start dedicating chapters to random followers, so if you're a ghost reader and you don't even follow me, follow me and I'll give you a shout out:) So yeah this one is dedicated tooooooooo...... @Chiall4eva just because she's amazing and yeah:) SO go follow her!!!

QOTD (Question of the day)

What is your favorite food?????

So yeah! I love you my Pretzels!!!:) <3 xx

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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