Tofu Buddies

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Beast Boy POV

Did she just eat tofu? if she's a vegetarian, I'm gonna be so happy!  I snapped my mouth shut and ran to a spot on the couch next to Melvin.

"Are you a vegetarian?," I asked her.

"Yeah. the cook at the temple tries to make me eat meat, but I just give it to Teether when she leaves. I think it's gross to eat another living thing. I mean, I wouldn't want to get eaten by another living thing. It's absolutely horrible. So I stick to fruits, veggies and tofu."

My grin got bigger. 

"I'm just like you! and plus, I've been most of those animals, so, eating my own kind would be wrong." I grimaced.

"exactly," she said, grimacing to.

I smiled at her. "Wanna be Tofu buddies?," I asked Melvin.

"Sure, why not she said."

YES! Someone finally like me!!!

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