I was just tired

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Dedicated to somethingboyrelated.

Spammer: I'm really sorry if I offended you
Spammer: I was only joking
Spammer: please forgive me.
Me: mate, there's nothing to forgive.
Me: I was just tired, so I reacted wrongly.
Me: I'm sorry.
Spammer: 😅 phew! Sorry. I was just worried.
Me: na it's cool. 😁
Spammer: well, I actually need to get to work.
Me: yeah, me as well. Bye Spammer
Spammer: Bye Smart-one.

I grinned as I switched off my phone. That guy never failed to make me laugh.

Hi! I know it is short. I am just leaving wifi for about a week now, so please just bare with me. I hope you keep this in your library. This no wifi thing will happen often.
Thanks 😶

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