Helping Riley

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"What do you mean? You're saying that me and Ranger Rick are gonna get married?!?" Maya said. Boy was she mad!

"Yes. When I was five, I went to a rodeo. I saw Lucas ride a sheep and he fell off. I knew it was embarrassing, so I went to comfort him. I never talked to him because I saw Maya's dad talking to his grandpa. They had a deal of an arranged marriage. That's all I know," I said.

"Wow," Lucas said.

The bell rang.

We went to class. Afterwards, I went home.

~~~~~~Time skip to the next day~~~~~~

When I went to History, Riley was in black.

"Riley, you ok?" Lucas asked.

"My name isn't Riley. Riley was happy. I'm Marosha M Black," Riley said.

"What does the M-"

"Marosha. Or maybe BACK OFF!"

"Sorry," I whispered to Lucas.

The board read 'Belgium 1831'. When Farkle walked in, he quickly erased it.

"You don't stand a chance." He said. Apparently, that was his favorite topic but always was never taught.

"Iceland," Mr. Matthews said. "Who can tell me about Iceland?"

Maya raised her hand.

"Miss Hart,"

"It's a land of ice,"

"Wrong. What about Greenland?"

I raised my hand.

"Miss Greenwood,"

"It's a land of green,"


"Bummer," I muttered.

"A group of Vikings founded a place full of green land. But they didn't want anyone else to go there, so they named it Iceland. Another Viking founded a place of ice and harsh weather. He wanted everyone to go there instead. So, he named it Greenland. And what happened?" Mr. Matthews explained.

"They all died," Riley said emotionless


"Wait. Seriously?"


"So, your saying that people will agree to stuff, but it doesn't necessarily have to happen, right? I mean, the people of the world can choose to go to Iceland instead of Greenland even though a single word promises them a land of green, right?" Lucas asked.

Oh my gosh; Maya was Greenland, the person he was suppose to 'go to' due to a single deal. Riley was Iceland, you could choose to go to her, if you wanted to go against words. I mean, it's obvious that Riley likes Lucas and he likes both of em. How do I know? Well let's just say Farkle was thinking out loud. 

When I went home I ate macaroni and then did my homework. Then I got a text saying, "Hey Violet! Wanna come over? I'm in apartment 123." It was from Riley. I told her I would. I knocked on the door and her mom let me in. 

"You must be Riley's friend." She said.

 "Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm Violet Greenwood," I said. 

"Nice to meet you, Violet. I'm Topanga Matthews," She introduced.

 Why does everyone have the last name 'Matthews'? Then I saw Mr.Matthews walk down the stairs.

 "Mr.Matthews?!?" I asked.

 "Riley didn't tell you? I'm her father," He said. I walked up to Riley's room. She was upset.


"Hey Violet,"

"What's wrong?"


"Would it have anything to do with me?"

"No. It's just, Maya and Lucas obviously like each other so much. They told me they were too busy to hang out with me but when I went to the movies they were both there! I feel betrayed,"

"Riley I'm so sorry. Maybe you and I could do what you and Maya usually do together,"


She paused.

"Bay window,"

"Bay what now?"

"A bay window is a window where me and Maya share our secrets,"

"Oh. Ok. Spill,"

"I like Lucas. And so does Maya. But, I think he's done with us,"

"Even if he is, just be yourself.Changing because of  someone is ridiculous. They should like you for who you are, not who they want you to be. Just be you, and life will put you where life wants you,"

"Really? You really think so?"

"I know so."

She hugged me.

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