Tears and Treatments

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~~~~~~Next week in History~~~~~~

"Canada. What is Canada to us?" Mr.M said.

"Our greatest alley," Farkle said proudly.


"Where you going with this Matthews?" Maya said.

"Where ever it takes us,"

The bell rang. As soon as school let out my phone said I had 6 missed calls and 22 text messages. They all pretty much said that my dad was in the hospital and to be there immediately. They were from my mom. Just as I finished reading them Lucas put his arm around me.

"Want me to walk you home?" He asked.

"Uh, no. I'm fine thanks," I quickly said. I didn't want anyone to know about my dad.

"Violet, are you sure your ok?"

"Yeah, totally. I just- have to be home early. That's all,"

"Oh. Ok."

I ran to the New York City Hospital. I went to the front desk.

"Hello ma'am how may I help you?" The lady asked.

"Hi I'm here to see Gabriel Greenwood." I said.

She typed into her computer.

" Ok, he's in 4208."

"Thank you." I stormed off into room 4208. When I got there, I saw my mom crying.

"Daddy!" I said while crying. I dropped my purse on a chair and ran to him.

"Hi sweetie" he replied.

My mom started crying even more.

"How's school?" He asked.


"Tell him about Lucas." Mom whispered.

"Who?" He asked.

"Lucas is my boyfriend. He is so sweet. I hope you can meet him soon,Daddy,"

"Well I'm looking forward to it. Tell me, do you have any other friends?"

"Oh yes! There's Riley, and Maya, and Farkle,"

"Farkle? What's a Farkle?"

"Farkle is my friend,"

I giggled.

"Oh. Weird name if you ask me,"

And we went on and on. I even spent the night there. Everything was going fine. Until one fateful day...

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