Violets OTHER Secret part 2

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I ran so hard my brain started to hurt.

"Violet!" I heard Riley scream. Then, (I guess she let him out of the closet because), I ran into Lucas. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. We just stayed like that for a while. Then I heard Riley and Maya running towards us.

"Violet! There you are!" Maya said.

Luckily, the bell rung and it was time for class. Me and Lucas had Math together. After math he walked me to History. Maya and Riley met us there. 

 "Violet, what's going on?" Riley asked.

"Yeah what is going on?" Lucas asked.

Thankfully, (again), the bell rang.
We went into Mr.Matthew's class. I was the last one in. I sat behind Lucas,my usual spot.

"The Civil War," Mr. Matthews began.

"A war we fought against ourselves." Riley finished.

"Right." Mr. M said, (yes that is what I'm calling him now).

I slouched in my chair.

"I want all of you to write a report on anything, anything at all; that you believe in so strongly, you'd fight for it." Mr. M said. 

The bell rang and I went to the rest of my classes. 

When I got home my mom was there. "Hi mom." I said.

 "Hi darling. You hungry?" She said.

"Ummm a little. What'che ya got?" 

"Mac and cheese and bacon, your favorite."

"Ok. Need help?"

I helped her cook and then we sat down to eat. A couple minutes into it, the phone rang.

"Hello?" My mom answered.

"Yes. Who? Oh Violet's friend! Of course she can go to the movies!" She'll be ready in one hour. You have a good day. Bye-bye." My mom finished.

"Who was it?" I asked shoving Mac and cheese in my mouth.

"Your friend Lucas." I swear I almost chocked.

"What's wrong sweet pea?"

"Nothing." I said looking around the room. 

"He said one hour, right?"


I ran to my room, grabbed my curling iron and plugged it in front on the mirror in the living room.

An hour later I looked great. When the doorbell rang, I rushed to it. Lucas, Maya, Riley, and Farkle were all there.

"Ready to go?" Lucas asked

"Yes,"I sighed. His voice is like an angel's. We took the subway and decided to see 'Me Before You'. When we were in line, I was fidgeting with my dress.

"Violet?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah?"I replied.

"Why are you messing up your beautiful dress?"

"You think it's beautiful?"

"Um, yea,"

"Well your the first. I think I look ugly,"

"And who put that idea in your head?"

"Kids at my old school,"

"Well I don't think so."

We stared at each other for a while. I almost forgot Riley, Maya, and Farkle were there.

"Okay. I can't take this any longer. Violet, do you have anything to say to Lucas?" Maya said.


"Lucas?" Maya asked.

"Violet, I-I like you. I don't think I've ever liked someone this much,"

"I like you too but, it's not like this is a date,"

"Do you want it to be?"


"Ok then,"

He went down to a store,(we were in a mall), and came back. He had a bouquet of flowers.

"Violet Greenwood, will you be my girlfriend?" Lucas asked. Riley was in the back with this smiling face of hers.


 He handed me the flowers. We walked into the movie. Like two hours later we came out. We got on the subway. Lucas said he'd walk me home. We held hands. My mother never saw him. When I walked in, mom was watching TV.

"Hey honey. How was the movies?"


"Where'd you get those flowers from?"

"Lucas," I blushed.

She gasped.

"Tell me everything!"

And so I did.

" I have to meet him!"

"Yeah well I have to do a project. When dad gets home tell him I bought him some candy,"

"Ok honey."

I was in my room thinking about what to write about. And then, it hit me.

~~~Time skip to History class~~~

"Violet Greenwood. Your up next,"Mr Matthews announced. I was confident about my work.

"Before I begin, Farkle, Riley, Maya, and Lucas come up here please?" I began. They looked confused but obeyed.

"This is my friend Riley. She's funny, she's goofy, and overall very enjoyable to be around. This is my friend Maya. She's brave, she's sarcastic and all around adventurous. This is my friend Farkle. He's a genius, protective and will always be there for you. Finally, this is my boyfriend, Lucas, whom I've known for so long. He's handsome, charming, and super positive. My name is Violet Greenwood and I believe friendship is worth fighting for."

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