Violet Meets Past Part 1

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"Lucas! Lucas answer me!" It was all a blur from there...

"So, we're all going to Texas?" Lucas asked confused.

"That's right, Huckleberry. We get to see you fail." Maya said

"That sounds about accurate." I muttered under my breath.

"Huh?" Lucas asked.

"Oh! Uh, nothing. You'll do great, babe!" I knew deep, deep down in my soul, he was going to get hurt. 


"Hey, Maya, I think it's time you see a bull." I said sarcastically. We were in a tent, and watching the other bull-riders on a screen.

"Ha! Sure! I will gladly see a-" Maya paused as she saw the bull throw someone get thrown off.

"What? Bull got your tongue?"

"Lucas, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was this...this deadly. Let's just go back home."

"That's not how this works, Maya. We're not in New York anymore. We're in Texas, my world. Lucas needs to do this, and you're all to blame."

That's when Maya started to cry. Riley, of course, comforted her. Lucas came up and hugged me.

"No matter what happens, just know I love you, ok?"

"*tears up* I-I love you too."

The intercom came on. "And now we have our main event. Lucas Friar will tangle with Tombstone."

"Any last advice?" Lucas asked me.

"Yeah. Don't die out there."

With every joke, there was a little truth. Mine was 99.99% truth.

Lucas got on Tombstone. He waved to me, then they let him go. I wasn't more scared in my whole life. He rode Tombstone for 4.468 seconds. He fell off. I ran and ran to him.

"Lucas! Lucas answer me!" It was all a blur from there...

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