"Dont let the bull ride you"

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As soon as Lucas pulled away, I saw a horrified look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I didn't let him respond. I just turned around.

"Missy..." Lucas said scarily.

"Lucas." Missy said formally.

"This is the girl you dumped me for?"
Missy said breaking the silence.

"Actually, I dumped you so I could go on a date with Maya. That didn't work. So we decided not to be official and now me and Violet are." Lucas replied putting his arm around me.

"Yeah. And, if you've got a problem with that, go cry somewhere else cause we ain't takin any of your nonsense." I replied sassily.

"Hey! You have no idea who your messing with. You'd better watch your back Violet Greenwood." Missy said as she walked off. 

~~~~~~~~Time skip to next day~~~~~~~~
"Yes Mr.Matthews! I'm sure it was Violet!" I heard Missy say. I walked into class only to discover that MISSY had said that I was threatening her with texts. They weren't even from MY phone number! I got suspended for one day. The following day, Riley and Maya came in happily to class.

"Hey Bucky Mcbong Boing." Maya said.
"Sup shortstack." He replied. This made her angry.

"Like I was saying, we know about your sheep failures and we signed you up for one in Texas." She continued holding up a certificate.

"Let me see that." I said. My mouth fell open. "YOU IDIOTS!! DO YOU NOT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A BULL AND A FREAKIN COW?!?" I yelled. I covered my mouth. "I'm sorry... It's just, I can't lose someone else in my life. I'm sorry." I said walking out. Riley followed me to the bathroom.

"Violet, what's the difference?" She asked.

"The difference is, ones fuzzy and cute; and the other is a deadly living machine."
A/N- OMG guys I am supes sorry I haven't updated! I have had 30 algebra problems a day, first year of Latin, Biology, Chemistry, and to top it all off, I'm the only one in my orchestra class who doesn't know how to play they're instrument. So yeah, I've been busy. It took me FOREVER to write this chapter because, like I said, I've been busy. I hope you guys can forgive me. I'm going to try really hard to try to update tomorrow. Remember to vote for TEXAN LOVE, comment to give ideas and/ or story requests and follow me to get updates on my other stories! Stay cool my peeps,

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