Ch. 13

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Raven, with the help of Carlisle, made her way up their porch steps and waited by the door, "So, do vampires just not eat or is there a reason as to why you never eat human food?" she asked suddenly. 

"Well, human food taste like what dirt would taste like to you," he replies.

"Ew. That's nasty," she says.

"So, are you going to explain to us when you and my little brother started messing around?" Emmett questioned as soon as they stepped into the house.

Raven chuckles, "Cullen and I aren't together." she says.

"What!" Emmett boomed dramatically, "You kissed him in front of everyone!"

"Yes, I did." 

"Why kiss him if you're not together?" Rosalie questioned. 

Raven shrugged, "There really isn't a long explanation."

"Then give us the short version," Alice says with a wide smile.

Raven takes a deep breath and takes a seat on the couch, "I just - I wanted to know what it would be like to kiss, Cullen," she states, "Plus, I wanted my first kiss to be with someone I cared about." her gaze met Edwards' who was also staring at her.

"Awwwwww!" Alice squeals along with Rosalie and Esme, "That is the cutest thing ever!"

Raven blushed, "Stop making such a big deal out of it." she says, looking down, "It's not like anything can or will come out of it."

"Why not?" It was Carlisle who asked the question that had her nervous.

She shrugged one of her shoulders, "Well, because, Cullen - I doubt he likes me in that way. He probably only kissed me back out of pity." she lets out a sour chuckle, "I mean, come on, he can do so much better than me. Find someone far more beautiful."

Edward took a step in her direction, "Is that what you think?" he questioned her.

She lifts her gaze to meet his intense stare,"You think I kissed you out of pity?" he hissed softly,"You don't think I find you beautiful?"

She lets out a bitter laugh, "Let's be real, Cullen. I'm nothing but human. A plain, normal human. It's as simple as that." 

Edward clenched his hands into fists but kept his gaze on Raven, "Can Raven and I please have the house to ourselves for a few moments?" he questioned.

"Sure. We'll just take this time to hunt." Carlisle says before everyone but Alice disappeared.

"Listen to her. Try and understand where she's coming from," she says before disappearing.

"They didn't have to leave," Raven says as she stood up from the couch, "There really isn't much to be said about the subject of us." she turns to walk into the kitchen with him close behind.

"Nothing left to be said? Raven, how can you think of yourself in that way?"

"In what way, Cullen? Normal? Plain? Human?" she hissed, "I think of myself in that way because I am!"

Edward appeared in front of her blocking her from the refrigerator and takes her face in his cold hands, forcing her to meet his gaze. If he could breathe his breath would have caught in his throat as he saw tears in her eyes. He's never seen her cry before. 

"You are anything but plain or normal,  far from being from it." he states, "You have to be the craziest, weirdest and most beautiful being, vampire or human, I've ever had the pleasure of knowing."

He watches the corners of her mouth pull up into a small smile, "You forgot awesomest." 

He chuckles, "That's not a word, Raven."

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