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Summer. A time where you're without a care. A fresh out of school graduate student sat in his bed room with the window open. Pit, a brunet boy with messy hair and bright blue eyes. The sound of a car pulling up outside calls him up from his seat. He looks outside to see that familiar used car on the street. It was Link's. Link was his blond friend who is due to leave for college and today was the last day they'd be able to hang out.

He walked downstairs, passing his parents. He walked to the front door and unlocked it. His father looked up from his computer, "Link here for the BBQ?" Pit nodded.

The blond walked up to the door, "Hey everyone!" Pit pulled his friend in for a hug, "Come in dude! We can play video games upstairs." Link greeted his friend's family before following him upstairs.

Pit closed the door behind them. Link smirked and leaned down to press his lips and pin the boy against the door. Pit smiled and kissed back. For almost three years the two have been secretly dating. Mostly they'd spend time in Link's apartment since Pit wasn't out to his parents. But that'd change since Link finished living there and is moving out of state. They broke apart and turned on the video game. They booted up Mortal Combat X to verses on. "I'm totally gonna kick your ass!" Link smiles as he chooses Sub Zero. Pit rolls his eyes and chooses Mileena, "As if..."

The fight begins and each boy lets flurries of punches and kicks fly. Pit takes Link's health down all the way and uses a Fatality combo. Link gasps as he sees his favorite character get shot up by by bullets. "Sub Zero no!" Pit laughs as Link fakes mourning his main's death. "Mileena for the win!" Link pouts, "Best three outta five!" They choose new characters.

After a few rounds Pit's father leaned in the room, "You boys having fun? Me and the lady are gonna head to the store. Pandora forgot the burger buns..." A loud voice came from the kitchen, "Now don't blame me Hades!" Link and Pit giggled at the little banter between them.

Pit turned the volume down on the game to hear his parents leave. As soon as the car drove off Link wrapped his arms around Pit and littered his neck in kisses. "Link," Pit giggles, "baby please that tickles!" Link lifted Pit up into his arms and plopped Pit on the bed. Link crawled between Pit's legs and laid his head on his chest. Pit ran his thin fingers through the blond's sun kissed hair. "What has gotten into you?" Pit sighs. Link groans, "This is the last time I'm gonna see you for the next four years!" That's when reality hit. They'd forgotten about Link's education. Pit teared up and giggled hysterically, "O-oh yeah. I-I don't know h-how I forgot!" Link flicked through his cell phone really quick and put on that special song Pit loved. It was a song they called "Fairy's Fountain". Link knew this was the only song that calmed Pit. Link put the phone next to their bodies and took Pit's face in his hands, "Baby, I'll call you, video chat, or whatever will make it feel like I'm here." "Promise?" Link kissed his cheek, "Cross my heart and hope to die." With the song in their ears and their lips against the other's, nothing could make Pit happier. Link nibbles Pit's lower lips with a smirk. Pit grants him access and their tongue tango began. "I love you so much," Link whispers. Pit chuckles, "I love you too, my big goofball."

"PIT!" A voice yells. Both boys shot up. Pandora was in his doorway. Running feet come down the hall. His father bursts in, "What is the meaning of th- PIT!" Link jumped off the bed. Pit was paralyzed with fear. "GET OUT! BOTH OF YOU! FILTHY SINNERS!" Link gasped and looked at Pit who was crying. Pandora threw her purse at the brunet, "YOU HEARD ME GET OUT OF HERE!" Pit rolled off the bed and quickly grabbed a bag from the closet and ran out. Link took his phone from the bed and ran after him.

Pit's father followed them closely out the door. Link stopped on the porch and turned around, "Listen Old Man! You can't do this to your child! Leave Pit alone! He loves me so what!?" Hade's grit his teeth and threw a vase at the blonde. It shattered over his head. He fell down to the floor and Pit quickly came back to help him up, "Link get up! Dad why!?" Hades slammed the door. Pit threw Link's arm over his shoulder and walked him to the passenger side of the car. He sat Link and his aching head down and went to drive off. He threw his bag in the back seat and sped away from home. "Baby, are you okay?" Pit asked as he drove for the parking lot of a grocery store nearby.

Pit parked he car. He held his chest and started panting. His eyes wandered to Link who was checking his head for blood. Pit tried to stop panicking long enough to check his boyfriend but he couldn't. Link leaned over and started holding Pit's hands. ", please stop crying. It's okay. You'll be fine." Pit started sobbing, "I don't care about myself you idiot. Are you okay?! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Link pulled him in for a tight hug, "I'm okay. I'm not bleeding. I just fell down out of shock. Trade seats I'm driving this."

They both walked out their respective sides and went to sit in the other's seat. Pit stopped to grasp Link's head and pick glass out of it. Then they sat down.

They sat there for a moment in silence thinking of what to do. "Well I still have college. Is there someone you can stay with. I'm not leaving knowing you're not getting taken care of..." Pit shook his head, "No one's gonna want me now. Words gonna get around about us kissing each other." Link tapped the steering wheel, "Ike's parents are the pastors so that's a no. Zelda's parents don't even like us."

Pit slumped in the seat, "What have we done? You're leaving me. I don't have a home anymore..." Link looked out the window, "There has to be at least one person?" Pit nodded, "They're out of state. My mom." Link turned his head, "Your mom just kicked us out!" Pit shook his head, "Pandora is my stepmom. My real mom is out of the picture and will without a doubt take me!" Link feels the small bump on his head, "What makes you so sure?" The brunet reaches for his bag and digs through it. He pulls out a post card with two women on it. One with messy black hair and a red sundress. The other had long green hair and she wore a white sun dress. The post card read, "Dear Pit, I miss you son. Everyday of my life. Please keeps safe and do well in school. Love, Mom"

Pit pointed to the one in white, "That's my mom. Her name is Palutena. And that lady is her wife, Medusa." Link looked at the small pile of cards in his bag, "Where does she live exactly?" He rummaged for a specific one. He saw one with the state on it. In giant font read "CALIFORNIA". Link smiled wide, "I can take you there!"

Pit shook his head, "No You have college! And it's halfway cross country!" Link kissed his cheek, "I'm going to college there." Pit smiled, "Yes! Road trip with my boyfriend!" Link smiled, "Considering you've just got kicked out of your home for liking men, you sure seem chipper." Pit smiled, "Well take a bad thing and make the best out of it. I get to be on the road with favorite man~"

Link blushed and buckled his seat belt. Pit did too. "Well we better get going. We'll stop at the next town for dinner, considering we got kicked out before the BBQ..." Pit put the postcards back in his bag. Link looked at him through the corner of his eyes, "Whatcha got the bag for? You ran right to it."

Pit didn't respond. "You don't have to answ-" "I predicted this. I knew I'd get kicked out if they knew. I just prepared for this. I have my savings, clothes and my passport," Pit sighed. Link nodded, "It's better than what happened with me. I had to buy everything I lost when my dad kicked me out. Thankfully Anju and Kafei took me in and gave me work at the Inn."

Pit smiled, "I don't mind this at all. We can find my mom easily. Her address is on all of these!" Link turned on the radio for entertainment. Pit looked out the window at the passing city. No longer would he have to hide who he was nor who he loved. As sad as it was, getting disowned lifted an emotional weigh off his chest. Pit was now free to be with the love of his life. Link steered with one hand and the free one reached out for Pit's. Their fingers intertwined. "You know the best part of being out?" Link asked. Pit shrugged, "No what?" Link brought Pit's knuckles to his lips and presses against them, "I don't have to watch girls flirt with you at school. I get you all to myself." Pit blushed, "Link, you know I'm yours."

Link released Pit's appendage, "But now it feels like it..."

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