"Hey Mom..."

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Pit walks up the steps with Link a few feet behind. He takes a deep breath and rings the door bell. Link stops a little ways down the stairs, in fear of Pit's mother. Pit heard footsteps coming to the door.

The door opens to reveal a black haired woman with it tied back in a ponytail. "Hello? May I-? Pit!?" She asked with a smile on her face.

Pit smiled and nodded, "Yes. Medusa?" The women nods and looks into a room on the side, "Palu! Your son!"

The squeal of a woman and the click clack of running heels grew louder and then Pit was face to face with his green haired mom. "Pitty Pat?"

"Hey Mom..." Pit teared up. Palutena enveloped him in a hug.

Link smiled up at them but still felt like an awkward bystander. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at the pavement.

Palutena pulled away from the embrace and looked at her son, "How on Earth did you make it all this way? You never told me how!" Pit smiled and looked back at his blond boyfriend, "Link drove me. You know him right?"

Palutena smiled and nodded, "How could I forget about the boy who made my Pitty Pat so happy!" Link walked up and shook her hand, "Hello Mrs. Palutena, pleasure to meet you. I'm a big fan of your work." As he said the last phrase he shot Pit a flirty glance. Medusa laughed at the blond, "Well, come in guys!"

Inside they all say in the living room. Two couches facing one another with a coffee table between. The two women asked the boys all kinds of questions about their trip. Link and Pit answered them all, leaving out details of their love making. Palutena apologized for unconvincing Link but he declined.

"No I'm came here for college anyway. Plus can't leave this little guy at that bad home," Link smiled. Palutena thanked him and asked if he had a place to stay while in school. He replied no.

"Well to repay you, please stay here with us. I'm sure you and Pit won't mind sharing a room?" Palutena smiled.

Pit put his hand on Link's, "We don't mind at all. Thank you so much mom!" Palutena teared up, "I'm just glad to be your mother again!"

Link and Pit were given a sizable room on the second floor, it was one of the three in the home which was originally a guest room. They were also given time to move in and shower.

Pit had unpacked his bag and placed all his postcards into a drawer in the bedside table. Link was at his last bag. Pit wanted to help with the basic random items. He dug into the bag and pulled out a picture frame.

Inside was a picture of them on their first date.


Link wheeled Pit through the mall. The boy in the wheelchair looked up at the blond and smiled, "I just love Japanese arcades!" Link smiled and nodded, pushing their way into the arcade. Link had some aside money from work to take Pit on a date.

Link got a game card for them to use. "Where to first Pitty?" Link asked. Pit looked around and pointed to a claw machine with little Japanese pop culture icons inside. "Ooh! Look it's Doraemon! Link please let me try!" Link nodded and took him to the game. Pit gave it a try, reading the hint on the game and failing. He gave it another go. He failed, dropping it next to the drop box. Link giggled at his frustration, "Can I try?" Pit crossed his arms and nodded, "Go ahead. It's impossible!"

Link started it up again and took the doll by the head. It fell into the drop box and Link reached down and pulled it out. "I call hacks!" Pit complained. "Pit, how could I hack a skill game? In real life?" Link chuckled. Pit pouted and crossed his arms. Link rolled his eyes and handed him the doll, "Here you go, crybaby."

Link wheeled him off to a game of his choice, a Mario Kart game. Link pulled Pit up to the seat and Pit held out his arms to be picked up. Link lifted the boy and placed him into the racing seat. Link sat in the seat next to him. Pit won this game.

The rest of their afternoon was spent gaming. Pit wheeled himself to a photo booth and looked back at the blond, "Come here Blondie! Let's take pictures!" Link nodded and wheeled him in, since it was one without seats.

In the screen you can see all of Link standing and Pit sitting at once. Doraemon sits in Pit's lap.

They take pictures.

Link and Pit smiling.

Link kneeling next to Pit and making funny faces.

Link and Pit pointing at the prized plush.

Lastly, Pit kissing Link's cheek.


Pit smiled down at the framed picture strip. Link's arms wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, "Who's the cutie in the wheelchair?" Pit giggles and kisses Link's cheek, "You're so sweet." Link chuckled, "I wonder what happened to Doraemon?"

Pit wiggled from Link's arms and reached into his bag. He pulled out the familiar blue robo cat and waved him around. Sure he was worn from the years but he was still there. "Like I'd get rid of it. A certain Blondie gave it to me~"

"Link! Pit! Let's to out for a celebratory dinner!" Medusa called upstairs. "Be right down!" Link called back.

The two made their way downstairs and stood before the two women. "Ready to go Palutena and Medusa," Link smiled.

Palutena hugged the blond boy, "Please call us mom..."

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