My Big Gay Wedding

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Palutena ran around the home preparing her son for his big day. "Mom calm down its just a tux," Pit sighs as he fixes his hair in the mirror of the living room. Palutena turns in her heels and looks at him, "Piticus, please understand that this is a big day for you. Now how come none of us know how to put on a neck tie?" She practically wrings the rainbow neck tie in her palm. "I'm sure I can figure it out mom," Pit takes it from her and attempts to put it on. Medusa walks out of the kitchen in her dress shirt and slacks, "Oh for Zeus's sake! I got it!" Palutena kisses her wife's head and fixes her own hair. Palutena is wearing a sky blue sun dress and white high heels. Pit flattens his black tux out and smiles, "Wait until Link sees me..."

Link groaned at his friends, who were playing around with his neck tie. "This is so gay," Marth chuckles. Roy bursts out laughing, "Soooo homo!" Link rubbed his temples, "You two are going to my gay wedding! Give me my tie!" Ike walked inside the home, "I'll help you out Link. Hand me the tie." Link smiled at his best man. Ike had recently moved out of his parents home and flew over once he heard of Link and Pit's wedding. Link was glad to have one of his supporters from their old home be here on their big day.

They're currently at Roy's home since the couple believed it's bad luck to see each other on their special day.

Link comes through his blond locks once more and winked at himself in the mirror, "Pit's gonna love this."

Peach and Samus knocked the door to take the four boys to the hall. Link tapped his fingers nervously on his knees. Samus drove down streets as Peach pulled out a white box from her bag, "I got your crowns Link. Pit has his and this is yours." She held up a flower crown with lime green roses and hints of light blue forget me nots. Pit had always adored flower crowns and these were provided by Viridi. Link smiled as Marth placed it on his head. "That's still really gay," Roy commented.

Pit was driven over by Rosalina and his parents. "I'm so nervous. What if I mess up?" He looks over his hand written vows. Rosalina rests a hand on his shoulder, "Be calm Pit. You'll be fine. Link loves you and all your quirks." Pit blushes, remembering his husband to be. "Oh gods I bet Link looks handsome in his tux..."


Everyone is in their seats as the ceremony is about to begin. Link has been kept from his love all day, they didn't even sleep in the same bed last night. He stood by the altar and waited for Pit, who was still making his way over.

Pit walked through the door followed by Palutena. He was breathtaking. His hair done up but less messy than usual, his tux fit his small form, and a pink and white flower crown upon his head. Link tears up and couldn't look at him unless he was willing to bawl his eyes out at the altar. Reality came crashing into him. Here he was, the man he's going to marry and live his life with. Pit walked up and stood across from Link, tears already in the brunet's eyes.

"You look amazing," Link smiled. "You do too," Pit wiped a tear from his eye.

The priest cleared his throat to settle the chattering crowd. "We are gathered here today to unite these two young men together in holy matrimony. Now I understand you two have written your own vows?" Both boys nodded.

Link took a note pad from his interior pocket and cleared his throat. "Pit Icarus, the love of my life. Ever since sophomore year in highschool we have been together. I knew that boy in the wheelchair was the one for me. I truly think nothing could ever tear us apart. We've been kicked out of our homes but still stayed with one another. I promise to be the best spouse I can be. I will give my all in everything I do if it's for you. I love you and I always will."

Pit tears up as the crowd awes. The brunet takes out his folded paper and wipes his eyes. "Link Hyrule, my hero since the age of fifteen. When I couldn't walk you carried me everywhere, you took me in when I had no where to go. Our love has traveled far and we shared a lot of firsts. First road trip, first prom, first day of college, and first time meeting my mothers. I don't know what I'd do without you my life. I love you more than I could ever say."

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