Safe Haven Café

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Light peering in from the curtains awoke the blond. He sat up and saw his boyfriend by his side. He smiled as last night floated into memory. Pit's first time and Link gave it to him.

Pit's bright sky blues eyes popped open, "Good morning, Link." Link pet his cocoa hair and scooted to pick his pants from his suit case. He slipped them on his lower half and sat down, wiping the sleep from his eyes. Pit crawled over to him and sat in his lap. He faced the blond and pecked his forehead, "Thank you for such an amazing time last night." Link rested his hands on Pit's hips, "So I take it you enjoyed your time with Hylian Heat?" Pit giggled, "You could say that."

Link leaned in and captured him in a kiss. Pit smiled and wrapped his arms around his neck. They stayed there for a while until Link pulled away.

"I'll get dressed and pay for the room. You get dressed and meet me at the car," Link smiled. Pit nodded and went to dress.


Back in the car Link took to the driver's seat again. Pit's stomach started growling so Link pulled into the lot of a connivence store and sent Pit in for coffee and snacks.

The blond's cell phone rang and he picked up. "Hey Anju," he smiled. "Think again. Anju's busy with customers," a male voice greeted. Link reworded his greeting, "Hey Kafei!" The man on the line audibly frowned, "What's this about Pit I hear around town?" Link swallowed a lump in his throat, "What are you hearing?" Kafei started to whisper yell into the speaker, "You know damn well. You got him in trouble and he's homeless now! Can't keep your hands off him for 1 hour! How you gonna get him out of this?" Link ran a hand through his hair, "Don't worry. He's with me."

Kafei punched a table, "With you!? You're supposed to head to California and he's WITH YOU? You won't focus on school at all!" Link's forehead lay on the steering wheel, "Pandora's not his real mom. His real mom is this lady named Palu-something. She lives in Cali with her girlfriend."

Pit walked out and sat in the passenger seat.

Kafei sighed, "Just watch out for him. He's a good kid." Link looked over at the boy who had an granola bar in his mouth and smiled. Link took his hand, "Don't worry Kafei, I'll take care of him." The familiar ding of the front desk bell rang. "I gotta go, Link. Call us when you get there. Take care." Link ended the call and put his phone down. He started up the car again. Pit handed him an red apple and put his coffee in the cup holder.

Pit inserted a new CD in the radio. They drank their coffee and ate their "breakfast" to the sound of music. "What was Kafei saying?" Pit breaks the ice. Link swallows his coffee, "Uh he heard about the scene at your place and I got yelled at. He told me to take good care of you too." Pit smiled and held Link's free hand, "Baby, you're doing a good job."

Pit read a sign on the road, "Are we close?" Link nodded, "At this rate we should arrive by...tomorrow morning." Pit smiled and clapped his hands together, "California here we come!"


It's mid afternoon and the two are on a long strip of road through what seems to be a dessert. Pit fell asleep on the front row. His head next to Link's lap.

Pit wore a small white t-shirt, rolled up blue shorts, and slip on vans. Link was in a pair of black skinny jeans, a red t-shirt, brown converse, and had on a black SnapBack. His semi long hair was tied back in a pony tail to help in the heat.

Suddenly the engine started sputtering. "Shit! Shit. Shit." Link grumbled. The car came to a stop at the side of the road and gave out. Link tried the ignition again and...nothing. He unbuckled his belt and got out. He popped the hood and checked. Luckily it just needs a simple fix, but his tools were at home. Link kicked the tire, "Hunk of junk!" He slammed the hood shut, "Fuck!"

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