First date..sorta

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As my hair falls out of its ponytail,falling perfectly without me trying,reviling my cute black to brown ombré curls I notice a scare at the top corner of my left eye brow.Ugrh!! now I look like Harry potter!Their is no way I'm going to put on my fake nerd glasses now!

Now I'm putting on makeup to try and hide the rest of the scares on my be honest I love the way I put on makeup I feel like that's the only thing I'm good at.

After the makeup I go scan my closet ( which only has nothing but hipster/punk rock styles in side)so I find a pair of black short shorts and my favorite white Aztec design print tank top,then I find my pair of red vans and put on my favorite white and Red Sea shell necklace and head out the door.

Since my car broke down I have no chose but to I'm walking I tend to remember I never gave him my as to be polite I text him saying

Me~um hay I'm on my way um idk if you got my name.... it's Marie :)

Alex😜~yeah I know it's on your patient bane from the hospital and yeah I'm on my way too :)

I turn my left wrist around reveling the bane "Dejohnette,marie" I'm half French I take my last name from my real dad. he left when I was 8 but even if he left it wasn't his fault it was my moms,its was something I couldn't forgive her for.Sure I love her and I love my step dad which I call dad because he's been their for me as we'll...but I guess their are something I can never forgive never forget.

BEEP BEEP!! the driver slams on the brakes of his car cussing up a storm at me ,which I ignore!"SHIT you gotta watch we're your going more often" that voice..Alex.Its soon that I realize we're I'm at.Im at the mall parking lot and my hand are on his well toned chest and his are at the small of my back.His grey eyes locked onto my foggy lemon green ones.he's nodding back and forth flashing me that heart-stopping smirk,i can't help but to blush once more."c'mon" "I thought we were gonna hang out in the mall" I ask a bit confused. "I thought maybe we can use some fresh air and chill at the park,its a few blocks down."i nod knowing we're the park is but no words to say so I just follow his lead.his arms are placed at the small of my back once more making me tingle inside.he looks at me sorta confused as if he wants to start a convo but doesn't know how.finally he proceeds "am I always going to be the one to save your life?" he has that's smirk that makes me smile like an idiot!

We're both sitting on a bench just admiring each others presents.i finally break the silence and say "imma put on some music." "cool" is the only thing he can find to say. I'm scanning my play list on my phone and then press on one of my favorite songs from emblem3 (one if my favorite boy bands) it's the song "ripstide" it's starts...*pull me in just like a riptide(riptide), go ahead and drown me with your sweat soul, my heart is like a split divide..half of it beats for me while the other half beats for you* then it's starts with the rap. Alex exchanges a surprised face to me "you listen to them too!" "too"i ask sorta knowing we're he's getting to."yeah I listen to the them too, this is one of my favorite songs from them!" what Nuh uh! this is my favorite song from them!" I screech in such a high pitched voice exited that that I can finally share my fandom for this god given gifted band!"yeah" he continues "my favorite song from them is taquilla sunrise" "OMG" I comeback "I like LOVE that song!" it's then that we exchange phones and look through each other's play list."the fray,you like the fray!" he asks "yeah!Of course who doesn't" I say trying to sound all cool. "oooooww! EMINEM! you have EMINEM!" I ask surprised. "shit he's like a legend!" I nod in agreement.

During our sorta first date we exchange our thoughts/opinions,favorite books ( his is "ink heart", mines flipped) our favorite colors ( his is blue and red/mine our orange/aqua),favorite movies (his is project X/mines 21 jump street).and so on.

"To be honest I had a lot of fun getting to know you" I say wishing this sorta first date wouldn't end."yeah it was fun and I like you a lot " I couldn't help it.I just had to we're staring at each other he pulls a strand of hair alway from my face and leans closer towards me.

His cold lips pressed against mine.i've been kissed before,but nothing has ever made me feel so good.he try's to enter his tongue in me, but I refuse to give in.i stop the kiss and give him a smirk when our eyes meet. he's giving me the pout face,like that's going to help change my I give him a sorry/not so sorry face and try to break free from his protective hold.But he refuses to and just goes in once more.GOSH!! I wish I can stop time and live in this moment forever.A moan slips from his mouth, and with that I slip out of the kiss and out of his hands before he try's to be sneeky and try something else. "we'll goodnight" I say realizing where we're at.Were at the front of my condo,its late maybe about 9:00."bye beautiful" is the last think he says before kissing me on the cheek and walking into the darkness.And with that,i was left with butterfly's in my stomach all night long.

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