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It's thursday and it's been two days since I've seen Alex so I invited him over since I didn't go to school and my mom was at work.

We sat on my bed just kissing and snuggling and cracking up some inside jokes here and their.Every time the kisses would get sweeter they would get longer,when the got longer they got more intense,the more intense it got...the more I wanted to go farther.And I knew he had the same intentions as we'll.

"So" he asks wiggling his brows back and forth making me giggle."do any of your friends know about....US?" "we'll I have told some girls but their not my friends." I say a little embarrassed about what I said about not having friends. "well then why'd you tell them?" he asked a bit confused. "cus...their the"i say not wanting to go on."ok,so you think their not your friends because your probably the one who has nothing to share with them so your stuck having to listen to what they have to say;right?" I'm speech less,i don't know how he does he can just assume something and be right about!he's what you call...PERFECT!!a little too perfect.too perfect to be true.

"So maybe you don't have the best story's to tell,but believe me on this.they are your friends you just don't see it.And I bet theirs more,you just haven't been all out of you comfort zone haven't jumped out of the safety box;get me?" I do sorta a get him but not as much as I want I just nod letting him continue. "you got to live your life the fullest!if you don't live for something you'll just die for nothing." that's when something hits me,he's right.i have been living in my comfort zone for to long,i forgot how it was to! that's when I have the courage to speak again. "I guess..i guess I was....just...scared." "Scared?!" he asks ,I nod."of what?" "Judgement."i say in a low voice but loud enough for him to here."it doesn't matter what you do,in the end their still going to judge." he does have a point,i let him proceed. "haters gonna hate;right" I nod knowing he is completely right. "but what if I mess up in front of people and make a fool out of myself!" I say par-annoyed at the thought of Being laughed in front of the whole school. "look at me." he says,im giving him my full attention now.i can't stop the thought of how much he looks like a mixture of Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson from 1 direction.and his deep dimple on his right cheek."sometimes people gotta fall before they can fly. but with brave wings they fly."i just smirk liking his advice wanting to here more."lifes not about waiting for the storm to end,its about learning to dance in the rain." I can't help but to smile at his quote. "were'd you here that from?" I asked curiously wanting to know. "just things I pick up." he says. "live your life for the moment cus everything else is uncertain." I knew were he got that from,louis Tomlinson said that once. "Louis" I say. "yeah, I knew you would know were I got that from." he smirks "I had no idea you had a thing for 1 direction." " I dont",he corrects me."its just something I remember hearing that's all."

It's about 4:00 already,school already ended like an hour ago and my mom should be home soon.before he leaves he tells me one more quote,its one he says he lives by and now wants me to live by. "fall once,fail twice,get back up every time." he makes me say it with him "fall once,fail twice,get back every time." "I want you to remember that,ok. he looks straight into my eyes before placing a nice tender kiss upon my lips. then he leaves.

I can't help but to blush at the thought of me being more happier an expressive ever since we met.never wanting to let him go.aways wanting to stop time when he's around.

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