Chapter 4: Re-Written

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Aaliyah messed with her hands and bit her lip walking around the pack with Lilliana. She held her hands to her face chewing on her sleeves.
"Hey, Luna why do you do that? I've seen you chew on your sleeve like that for some time now. Are you okay?" Lilliana looked over to Aaliyah and she shrugged.

"P-please don't call me sounds weird. It's not my name" Aaliyah did a small smile.
"Oh, sorry. Of course. Whatever you want Aaliyah...and since you're gonna meet the pack today I want you to meet someone...!" Aaliyah nodded and slowly started to walk over to where Lilliana was pulling her. It was a small coffee shop.

"Now where is he...Luke!" Lilliana pulled her to a table with a sleeping man in it. Lilliana poked his nose and got beside him.
"Luke baby....luke Luke Luke" the male in the seat had dark curly hair and black glasses on. The boy mumbled and rubbed his face.

"Yeah? Lily, what's up?" He smiled and looked towards Aaliyah.
"Oh, and is this another friend?" Lilliana laughed a little bit and shook her head.
"No, it's Aaliyah. The Luna" Luke's eyes widened and stood up.

"Man I'm sorry Luna, I didn't realize. And uh my names Luke, the beta" He held out his hand and smiled. 

"It's Aaliyah...not luna" she looked at his hand and just grabbed onto his finger and shook, retracting her hand quickly.

"It's nice to meet you" Lilly hugged Luke as she watched the two with a smile.

"Well, Aaliyah this is also my mate. " Aaliyah nodded.
"That's awesome..." Lilly held Luke's neck as some of the shop had gotten quiet. The sound of the machines only ringing on. Luke suddenly bit his lip and stood up straight scratching the back of his head. Aaliyah looked to her sides seeing that everyone stopped talking and was looking behind her. A hand was placed on her shoulder. She flinched just a little and closed her eyes but slowly brought them open.

 It was Claw, her mate. She looked down at her feet and back up at him.
"Come on, we need to be somewhere," he said close to her ear as they turned around and began to walk. Aaliyah waved goodbye to them and walked out with him.

"What...what are we gonna do?" He looked down at her and patted her head knowing she was soft...and weak. He internally gagged at the thought of just being soft with her. He really didn't want to deal with her crying.

"You're going to be introduced today" she nodded not knowing exactly what he was talking about as they walked back into the large pack house. People kept staring and having a light whisper as they went up to the top floor. As she walked with him she saw the same bedroom doors that she came out of the day.

"I need you to wear something better then what you have on." Aaliyah shook her head.
"I like these clothes! I really do and I don't want to wear anything else!" She's opted back from him and he growled lightly. She froze and looked down feeling ready to cry as her hair fell towards her face. Claw groaned and rubbed her temples pulling her into a hug.

'Someone please kill me already' He thought to himself and gritted his teeth.

"Damnit.." He mumbled.
"Fine. You can wear it." Aaliyah lifted up her head.
"D-did something wrong?" she asked lightly to him. It seemed like the air froze in time and he looked to her.
"Come on, the pack is letting together now" he pulled out of the hug and walked with her downstairs. He led her to the back and around where it was dark and the front seemed to be lit by a large light.

There was a medium-large stage in the front as she was being led up the stairs to the top. When they both got to the top the crowd down below got quiet fast.

"Today is the day I bring in someone new to the pack." He took Aaliyah's hand and held it tight.
"Some of you might have heard. I've mate" he held back a harsh tone as he talked about her.

"Her name is Aaliyah, I found her yesterday. You will ALL treat her with respect. You will treat her with the same treatment you give me. No one will go against her word as with me. If I hear someone has disrespected her, then I'll make your life a miserable hell" Aaliyah looked up at him as the others looked to her. He gave her a small notion to say something.

"H-Hello" she squeaked as the pack had gotten down by there feet had bowed to them out of respect. She watched him and was confused about why they were doing this but didn't ask. Getting off the stage they went to the side and he still held her.

"Um...uh..." She forgot what to call him and chewed on her sleeve.
"Claw" she looked up at him. And nodded.
"N-Nevermind" They got to the room and he picked her up bridal style.

She held her hands on his chest as he walked into his room. He set her on the bed and hovered onto of her.

"C-Claw? What are you doing...?" She looked at him her hands in the middle of her chest.

'She's gonna be mine tonight' claw thought to himself and kissed her neck.
"After you meet the's normal to finish the mating process. I expect that to be done tonight" Aaliyah closed her eyes and turned her head. She tucked her lip into her mouth and shifted her lower body.

She thought of what happened with Harry, she wasn't sure why he was doing so in another place and just squeezed her eyes shut. She felt his hand slide up the skirt she was wearing and she gasped launching her hands against his chest making him grunt.

"N-No! Please don't do that..." She whined and kept her hands on his chest.
"And why? We're mates are we not? So we need to finish" She looked at his face and backed down.

"I...Daddy said to not do that...I-I don't want...Don't do it." She whined and kept her hands pressing against his chest.

"Well.... let's speed up the process, I don't want to wait too long." He said to her and moved her head to the side and bit down onto her neck. Marking her as his.

It may just seem similar but, trust me. (Insert laughing emoji)

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