Chapter 12: Re-written

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"So I and Michael finally set a next period..or heat that's when we will..well you know mate" Tina blushed a little bit and looked up at Aaliyah who was giggling.

"W-What? I-is something wrong?" Aaliyah shook her head.

"'s just that your cheeks are just so red talking about him!" Tina blew her cheeks up and crossed her arms.

"W-well it wouldn't be normal if I didn't..knowing it would be my first time" Aaliyah nodded.

"So how about you?" Tina poked Aaliyah's cheek and giggled.

"W-what? I-I... that's not...I haven't even had my first heat yet...but I have started my period already..." she blew her cheeks up and her entire face lit bright red.

"ah..well it's like cramps...but 3,000X worse, without your mate with you and know" Aaliyah sighed and pushed her cheeks to her face.

"Well, not my first heat...I don't want my first heat to..yeah..." Tina made a face and rubbed her back.

"Well, it's not gonna be easy without him" She nodded and rubbed her face remembering how much pain her mother was in when she had her heat when she was young. She thought it was because she had a stomach ache or something and her father

"I think lunch is about to end," Tina said getting her things and standing with Aaliyah. Aaliyah blew a breath and made a face walking with Tina.

"You alright?" Aaliyah nodded and held her small bag to her waist.

" tummy just burns a little" Tina didn't think much of it and shrugged.

~After Training~

Aaliyah started to pace around the room and whined. Lily walked into the workout room and smiled but then frowned once she saw her friends distress.

"Something wrong Aaliyah?" She then fell to the floor holding her stomach.

"My tummy really hurts..but it burns though." Looking up at lily her eyes widened.

"Are you on your period?" She slowly nodded. None of her periods have happened like this before. Something was wrong, or so she thought.

"You're on your period which means you're in your this your first time?" Lilliana had placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Y-yeah!" She slightly shouted as Lily began to help her up and took her to her room. Claw wasn't around so she was safe now. She was placed on the bed and she groaned softly.

"Okay, Claw is going to um...smell you so he's probably gonna want know." Lilly did a face and Aaliyah squeaked. She shook her head repeatedly, she didn't feel nearly as ready to be that intimate with him yet.

"D-don't let him in...I don't want him,.I don't wanna do that yet. Protect me." She squeaked and pulled his pillow to her face knowing it wouldn't be enough to help her. She gave hard huffs of breath into the pillow and kicked her legs around, throwing the sheets to the side.

"Alright..I'll try" Lilliana went out of the room only to see Claw coming up the stairs. She ran back inside the room and tossed some of his shirts onto her and sprayed his cologne, running back out of the room she closed the door and locked it from the inside.

"Lilly? What are you doing? I didn't see Aaliyah in the training she in there?" Claw clenched his jaw and moved his head a little like he smelt or felt something unusual. He didn't realize it, but he felt something scratch at the back of his head.

"Nope! Not at all" Lilly placed her back on the door and hummed.

"You're lying...." Claw went to the door and gripped the handle as Lilliana pushed him, or tried to. The door isn't opening and he furrowed his brows. He could tell something was wrong, his mate was going through something and he wasn't with her along with his sister keeping that from happening.

"You can't go in there! Stop!" Claw sighed and picked her up and took her down the stairs before he got to his door and tried to open it.

"I'm going to knock this door down." He placed his hand onto the door and then stepped back. He saw his sister from the side running and then he kicked the door a few times.

"Sorry Aaliyah!.." Lilly shouted and grabbed onto her brother's arms. Claw looked at the sight in front of him and chewed his lip. The whiff of her pheromones had sent shivers through his body. He couldn't help but slide from his sister swarm gracefully and slide into the room.

All he could see was his mate in a pain he couldn't help but just simply enjoy. It was a pain he would be able to help her with and in the sexiest way he could possibly think of.

"Claw..." she was breathing hard and shaking slightly in pain. She bit her lip and closed her eyes feeling the bed dip by her sides. Opening her eyes she saw him above her. She kept shaking her head and bit down onto his shirt.

"I-I don't want...No. Stay away from me.~" He kissed her cutting her off. She then grabbed his neck tightly pulling him closer to her. She, herself couldn't stop herself from enjoying her mates lips on hers. It gave her some relief but not all of it.

She could feel his hands sliding up her shirt and his legs slowly intertwining themselves with hers. Her body's reaction was to hold him and let him do whatever he wanted with her but that's not what she truly desired at the moment.

"C-Claw please I don't..." As much as it seemed to be soothing just being this close to him she didn't want to go all the way with him. She felt as if she couldn't stress that as much as she wanted to. He knew that she didn't want to far with him but he couldn't help but just think of her in the most inappropriate ways.

"I'm not gonna let you sit here in pain...Dammit." he lifted from her and saw that she was in pain which riled his wolf and him up. Her scent invading him like so he slowly lifted her against his chest and wrapped her legs around him. Just in a sitting position. He wasn't going to do anything that would make her uncomfortable but he wanted her to not feel what she was feeling

She shivered in delight and pulled at his shirt. He slowly moved his hands down her waist. He couldn't help but feel his eyes darken and the same feeling he got when blood filled his nose had conjured in him when he was near her.

Her body heat was normal for this time of the month but it was crazy. It started to make him sweat and as much as he wanted to hold her in certain ways, he couldn't. She groaned against him. He knew just a small amount of time her pain would get unbearable.

He stood up with her around him and grabbed his shirts and walked to the bathroom. He set her down on the toilet but she just ended up falling off and curling on the floor. He let out a groan and placed his hand onto the door. He placed his head on the door and clawed at it. To him, she had the most perfect body shape a guy like him could ask for and just having that with him for the rest of his life had forced him to put thoughts in his head.

'Handle yourself...' He told himself and threw most of the shorts on her body and started up a cold bath. It was the only thing that could keep her head down and calm his own mind and body. He picked her up and wrapped him around her and stepped into the bath, clothes and all.

She grunted and gripped onto his shirt, the water spilled over and she began to shiver, but soon just stopped because of the heat.

"It's so cold..." She whined and pressed herself against his chest. Her breathing had gotten shallow and it seemed as if her heart beat went down and a wheezing noise coming from her mouth.

Claw leaned his head back and felt his eyes still clouded over. He couldn't help but just have her against him, he shifted his body and held his hands on her back. Soon the cold water turned hot and he had to drain it and turned on a cold shower instead.

He still laid back in the bath and soft groaned. He slumped down and pulled under her things just a bit and it seemed as if he purred from his chest. He knew that after her heat he would have to do extracurricular activities just for the sake of holding it in.

H couldn't help but make his lip bleed when she was subconsciously started to move her body against him. It was clear she was in a sleeping mode but her wolf heat got the best of her and let out soft meals as she ground against him.

He furrowed his brows and took this advantage to move his fingers down to her pelvis and blew air out of his mouth. He ended up closing his eyes and tried to sleep this off.

Like always, the heat lasted exactly one week. She felt as if she had changed just a little bit and she did have a different change of demeanor.

Claiming The Alpha Daughter(First in the Alpha Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora