Chapter 8

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It's been too long...

I need to stop procrastinating, on all my stories....

Here, you guys deserve this chapter, I really want to finish this, I'm just having a bit of trouble with it. Thanks for hanging in there guys.

???'s POV

Puzzles, those were easy.

Monsters, equally so.

But this, this is what I was worried about. If she beats this, well, it's not a mundane task so, she can celebrate, I suppose.

A top.  A giant top. With an eye.  And spikes.

Truly a simple creature. Like a spider. Both, however, are very capable of killing you. Not all deadly things have to be complicated.  A sword, for example, is simply a sharp piece of metal on a T shape. Oh well, she might die.

They were both running around like crazy, screaming at each other and trying to figure out what to do.

I was a very prominent part of the room, she could see me clearly.  When she looked at me, I rolled my eyes, then pointed to one as a hint. If she died, I die. Simple.

She widened her eyes as she started to create a plan. She screamed at the boy, then grabbed a rope and tossed it over a rafter. She started to climb, then waited as it spun under her. She grabbed her blade and dropped down, landing on it and, without a moment wasted, spun it so it hit the eye as much as possible.

Yellow goop spilled out of the eye, spraying everywhere. Steam poured out of it. It popped up, knocking her off. She landed hard on the floor. It spun even faster towards her. The boy took action.

He had this.... What was it, even? Three leaves on top, spinning and lifting him up. In one swift movement his blade came out and hit the eye. Hard. I would hate to be on the other side of that blade.

The eye. It looked like it was about to explode. In a black veil of smoke, it disappeared, leaving yellow goop and a strange portal. The boy walked in.

She stirred, awaking from being knocked out.

"Morning, sleeping.... Well, I wouldn't say beauty." I sneered at her. She glared in response.

"Well excuuuussee me, princess, I can't help being knocked out."

I rolled my eyes. "You could've jumped off."  I changed the subject. "The boy sure is capable. He beat the thing in one hit."

She blinked. "Only one?"

I nodded "he did way better than you, Arynn."

Her left eye twitched. An unexpected roar came out of her mouth "WELL AT LEAST I DID SOMETHING, UNLIKE YOU YOU LAZY BUM!"

I smiled at her childish outburst. "Actually, you would be dead if it weren't for me telling you how to beat the boss."

I could tell she was struggling to counter that. She was overflowing with anger, and she turned away without a second thought.

I shrugged. It could've been worse.

I frowned a bit. That was close. If it weren't for that boy....

She'd be dead in an instant.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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