Chapter 3

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Hello one and all, to chapter three of Into the Walls! I want to apologize for something important: My horrible writing. That last chapter was just.... Awkward to make, and probably to read too. I know exactly the reason why though: I have trouble writing intros and find it easier to go to the main part of the story. As you can guess, this causes a big problem. It's hard to write a character's backstory if you don't introduce them, don't let the readers see a preview, and don't have a clue about how they should react in the beginning. So, I'm sorry about how rough this story is so far, and I promise you it will get better. Anyway, I also want to thank you. This story has brought me so much joy to make, and is the longest piece of creative writing I have ever written. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, Thank you. Thanks to all of you that are supporting this story, It really does mean a lot to me. Thanks to all of you leaving reviews on the chapters as well, It does help me when you guys critique my writing. I'm gonna stop being all gushy now, since this A/N is getting really long.

Disclaimer: Man, it would sure be cool to own The Legend of Zelda, but I don't, sadly. All I own are my OCs, story, and some measly dialogue.

Chapter 3

I had trouble going to sleep that night, my brain seeping into the endless void of darkness that shrouded my room. Creatures peeled off the shadows that dotted the walls to reflect the fact that I was terrified. I was terrified of the future, terrified of school, event terrified of what Jeremy would think. Soon, all the shadows had collapsed and formed into an all too similar being. They grinned at me, knowing how scared I was, just by looking at my unblinking stare. It was true, they did terrify me, but it felt better know that they were just my subconscious, telling me all the probable lies that I thought to be true. There seemed to be a heavy pressure in the room, causing me to get out and move to the balcony.

It was a beautiful night, for once the clouds usually covering the sky had parted for me to see the gleaming stars up above. They had always fascinated me, ever since I was 5, and it was nights like these that always calmed me. The stars whirred around in the sky, eventually forming a memory of when I was ten.

It had been a similar night, clear and crisp. The darkness surrounded me, each shadow taking a punch at me, making me weak and scared. Then, I turn my attention towards the stars, pleading for them to help me escape the fear. They didn't disappoint, transforming my fear into child-like wonder. Another memory came up, this one at a camp.

I was Stargazing when clouds blocked the beautiful sight, letting the darkness seep in. Feeling hopeless, I collapsed, feeling the power drain out of me as the blackness of night had strangled me. Not long after, the stars appeared again, struggling to fight off the dark.

As I stood there on the balcony, I realized that they had always been there for me, constantly battling the shadows in the fight for control between dark vs light. I guess I owed them one, They had protected me all my life, but how would I repay the huge debt? I decided to figure that out later and headed back to my room. Once I got in, I made sure to open the blinds to my window, and then I moved my blankets towards it. I snuggled up next to the window and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Link's POV

"RAVIO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HOUSE?!?!" I shouted at him, causing him to jump in surprise. he just looks at me calmly... or what I'd assume would be calmly, I couldn't tell. "Welcome back Mr. Hero! I thought since you were going to be gone for a while, I could use your house as my shop! But that's not all, since this is your house, you will get discounts on certain Items! The Items that are on sale changes every week! Good luck Mr. Hero!" He had caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting him to be co calm about this. He actually seemed excited to potentially be a help on my quest. "O-okay." I said, a bit frazzled. "Oh, Thank you, Thanks Mr.Hero!" He starts jumping up and down. What have I done.

So, a bit of fluff this chapter, but some of it was very important. I'm not gonna say what it was, but I'm sure you can figure it out. I also think that I've found a way to write Link. He is gonna be more of a sarcastic, but still very goofy and loving character. When his friends are in danger, he turns dead serious and will do anything to get them out of said danger. He is kinda unstable in this regard and can be easily persuaded. Anyway, Until next time, Hat's off to you!

Into the WallsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon