Convincing Mrs. Weasley

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"No absolutely not!" The four teenagers hung their heads in despair. Harry felt a sharp jab in his ribs. He jerked his head around to see Ginny glaring at him. He mouthed the words okay to his friends. Taking a deep breathe he began his well rehearsed speech.


"She is never going to go for it." stated Hermione. Everyone threw a pillow at her. "Duh!" they all yelled at her." "That's why we need a full proof plan." said Ginny She wiggled her eyebrows and directed her attention towards Harry. "And what exactly do you have in mind Miss. Weasely." They were sitting very close together but not so close as to be touching. There had been a lot of flirting with each other in the months after the final battle. Ginny at first just wanted to keep Harry's mind off everything he had went through. They both still had feelings for each other but were trying to figure things out and ease back into things. " We have a secret weapon." she stated as if everyone should know what she was talking about. "And what would that be?" asked Ron. "Harry." They all just stared at her until Harry decided to break the silence. "Yes because i have some superpower that I'm unaware of." "Oh please mom will never be able to say no to you...after all you are her favorite son." she giggled. "Hey!" yelled Ron. Everyone snickered because it was of course was true, Harry could do no wrong in Mrs. Weasely's eyes. Hermione slipped her hand into Ron's in an attempt to calm him down. Ginny continued to talk like she had said nothing wrong. "You just flash those brilliant green eyes at her, promise her that her precious babies will be safe with the all powerful Harry Potter, and she will melt like butter. Harry rolled his eyes at her but all the while knowing she was right.

Flashback Ends:

"It's just going to be the six of us going...Neville and Luna are going to meet up with us there. I've already rented a condo for the summer and I have personally put up the wards. There are six bedrooms so everyone will have there own room, also I have two personal house elves that will make sure we don't go hungry. We promise to owl you once a week with a report on how everything is going." "I just don't know." Mrs. Weasely sighed. They could all tell she was on the verge of shutting the whole plan down when Harry went in for the kill. "With everything that we have been through, and with never having a real childhood I just wanted one normal summer with my friends and family.... just a normal teenager and have . I promise that I will keep my family safe, mum." Ginny saw the look on her mom's face before anyone else and knew that they were going to have the best summer of their lives. Molly grabbed Harry in a bone crushing hugs with tears in her eyes. "I had better get a letter every week and I trust you all to behave yourselves in a responsible mtter." Molly still had Harry in a hug... "Mom when he turns blue the hug is over." Molly let go of the boy and sent the kids up to their rooms. As soon as she heard the bedroom door shut the squeals and shouts rumbled throughout the whole house. She knew it was time to let go.

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