The Bonfire

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Neville and Luna got settled in their room. Fred and Angelina picked a room as well as George and Katie. Dean and Seamus bunked together which left Ginny having to share with Cho and Lavender. She wanted to be with Harry but that was hard to do with your three older brothers around. She noticed Cho and Lavender whispering and laughing when she wasn't looking. Ginny got done drying her hair and went looking for Harry. She had showered and put on a plain white sundress over her new bathing suit. The bonfire was in one hour and she was hoping for some snogging time with Harry.

Back in the bedroom:

"So what's your plan to get Harry back?" asked Lavender. "He just needs to see what he is missing and he will drop that skinny little slag in a heartbeat." Cho was wearing a very skimpy bathing suit with just a wrap around her waist. The top barley fit but that was okay just as long as she got Harry back.

The Kitchen:

Harry was finishing filling up the cooler with ice and butterbeer when Ginny walked in the room. She was so beautiful that he forgot to breathe for a second. " So did you invite Cho for a reason." Ginny asked as she pushed him up against the counter. "No she was all overall Dean when I invited him and Seamus. She kinda invited herself." "Oh really." Harry put his hands on her hips and pulled her close to him. "Yeah, I got the girl I want right here." he whispered in her ear. Ginny leaned into him. Harry grabbed her and put her on the counter. He fit perfect in between her legs. He nibbled on her bottom lip and she goaned. They were in full snog mode when Ron yelled "Oi Potter get off my sister." Harry tried to move but Ginny held onto him tight. She had her wand pointed at Ron so fast it would make your head spin. "What business is it of yours?" Ron paled visibly and backed away. "Just saying to go start the fire and move the logs. That's all really." "Oh okay." Ginny pulled Harry in for one last kiss. Cho walked in at that time and looked at them disgusted. Ginny let Harry go and hopped of the counter. She wrapped her arm through Harry's. She looked at Cho and said "Problem Cho?" "No not at all Ginny'" she replied through gritted teeth.

The bonfire was going great. The music was flowing and so was the butterbeer and firewhiskey. Fred and George were responsible for that, but they wouldn't let Ginny have any. But she tasted it on Harry's lips everytime they kissed. Harry was sitting by the fire with Ginny between his legs curled up into him. He looked around and enjoyed seeing his friends happy and safe. Ron and Hermione were dancing, Fred and Angelina also. George and katie were playing in the surf while Dean,Seamus,Cho,and Lavender were playing volleyball. Neville and Luna were sitting with him and Ginny.Harry nibbled on her neck."I gotta go to the loo babe." Cho watched as Harry unwrapped hisself from the red haired tramp. She eased through the crowd unnoticed and headed for her prey.

Harry washed his hands and exited the loo. There stood Cho eyeing him hungary wearing next to nothing. "Um...hi Cho you waiting on the loo?" "No that's not what I need." She started running her hands up and down his bare arms. "Look Cho, I'm very happy with Ginny, so back off." "Please, I can do so much more for you than that frigid tease." Just then Ginny walked in and heard everything. "Cho back away from my boyfriend now." Cho pulled back and smirked at her. "Why don't we let him choose who he wants." "Fine Harry who do you want to be with?" asked Ginny. Harry looked at each girl and smiled. He walked right up to Ginny and snogged her passionately. Cho huffed and stormed off. Harry pulled away and stared into her deep brown eyes. "So do you want to share my room tonight?" Ginny grinned madly. " Well it would be awkward to share a room with her." Harry picked her up bridal style and headed for his room.

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