Old Enemies, New Friends

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Molly ended up staying for two days. Once she was sure the kids were alright and had cooked them way too much food she returned to the Burrow. While she was there the girl's bunked together as did the boy's. Ginny felt like she was going crazy not being able to sleep next to Harry. As soon as her mum left Ginny jumped him and no one heard from them till the next day. Everyone was outside when they finally ventured out of the bedroom.

"You two finally come up for air." joked Seamus. Ron threw a beachball at him. Ginny blushed as Harry pulled her closer to his side. "So what do ya want to do today?" he said trying to change the subject. "Oh I heard about a carnival and concert happening today in town. Rides, food, and great music. Plus a bonfire and fireworks show tonight." squealed Lavender. "Cool that sounds a lot like an American holiday called Independence Day. I say we go,we need to get out of the house." Everyone agreed and they all went inside to change. Harry picked out a pair of jeans and a dark green t-shirt. He also grabbed a jumper incase it got chili tonight.He turned an saw Ginny in her new string bikini. "Ginny you can't wear that!" "Excuse me...and why not?" "Cuz I'll end up in jail trying to hex everyone out there." Ginny laughed. " Silly boy I'm going to wear. clothes over it." She put on a pair of denim shorts and on of Harry's old gryffindor t-shirts,trainers and a pair of shades completed the outfit. "That better sweetie?" Harry's mouth had gone dry,if at all possible she looked even more sexier. "Damn your not leaving my side today." "Never sweetie." she giggled as he pulled her to him for a passionate snog.

"How are we getting there mate?" asked Neville "It's too far to walk so I figured we could take my Hummer." He opened the garage and they gasped at the large black vehicle in there. "I put an enlargement charm on it so we could all fit comfortably inside." " Dude when did you buy this!" exclaimed Ron.  "When I got the house." "Shotgun!" yelled Ginny. "How did you know about calling shotgun?" asked Hermione. Harry grinned "I may have already told her about the car and some car rules." "Not fair." grumbled Ron. Harry drove and Ginny got the front seat, the others found seats and it was a comfortable ride due to the enlargement charm.

At the Carnival:

Harry parked and everyone climbed out. They all paired up and went in search of the ticket booth. Hermione explained it all to them on the ride there. Of course Harry insisted on paying for everyone's way plus he gave them all some muggle money for snacks and games. "Harry this is too much." protested Hermione. He handed them each $100.00 and wouldn't hear any no's. "Hermione what part of my treat don't you understand. And if any of you try to give me change back at the end of the night I'll stun you...got it." "Yes" they all replied. At first they stayed together then each couple wanted to do their own thing. Harry and Ginny found numerous rides they wanted to try out. After an hour of rides they decided to grab a bite to eat. "It's getting warm out here." said Ginny. Harry had already wrapped his jumper around his waist. They were waiting on their food and drinks when she pulled her shirt off and shoved it into her bag. Harry began to look around and realized that most of the girl's were dressed in skimpy outfits. Guys were gonna stare but he knew Ginny was his. They got there food and Harry slipped his arm around her waist and they looked for a place to eat. Ginny pulled a blanket out of her bag and layed it out. Midway through eating Harry heard a voice he had hated for years. "Potter fancy meeting you here." Harry looked up into the face of Draco Malfoy. "Malfoy, what brings you here looking to join the circus." To Harry and Ginny's surprise he burst out laughing. "Good one Potter." Draco said as he held out his hand to Harry. Cautiously Harry shook his hand. "Mind if we sit for a minute?" Harry then noticed Pansy,Blaise,and to his shock Padma Patil holding Blaise's hand. Harry couldn't seem to find his voice. "Sure join us." said Ginny as she got up and scooted herself between Harry's legs. He automatically pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her middle."Look I just wanted to apologize for the last seven years. We just want to start over." "Wow wasn't expecting that." Harry said. He

agreed and they spent little over an hour talking and catching up. Ginny,Pansy,and Padma were actually getting along as Ginny showed them her ring. Harry and Draco agreed to talk more when they got back to London.

Fireworks Show:

"Bloody hell, you actually had a conversation with Malfoy." asked Ron. "Yeah were not mates or anything but I did give him a chance to explain things." There was a huge bonfire party going on at the beach. Everyone was dancing,drinking and swimming. The fireworks show was set to begin in about an hour. "Dance with me." Ginny grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the crowd. "You look amazing." whispered Harry. Ginny ran her fingers through his hair as they gently swayed to the music. She knew he hated to dance but slow songs he seemed to very much enjoy. She still only wore shorts and a bikini top. Harry ran his hands all over her back and down her sides. His touch always made her shiver.

They made there way back to the party and looked for their friends. There were an insane amount of people around and Harry accidentally bumped into someone. "Oops I'm so sorry." he said as he looked into the eyes of Cho Chang, Dean was standing behind her. "No problem." she said before she realized who bumped into her. Harry saw Dean eyeing Ginny and he pulled her in front of him and wrapped her in his arms. "What are ya still doing here?" asked Harry. "You don't own the island." stated Dean. Harry tensed and Ginny reached her hand up and rubbed his arm. Cho gasped when she saw the ring glittering in the moonlight. "No but if you check out my girl one more time you'll gonna need a mediwitch." "Is that an engagement ring!" screeched Cho She clearly had tears running down her face. "It's a promise ring." stated Harry proudly. Dean had a furious look on his face. "Oh well they really don't mean anything these days. Probably doesn't even have the right enchantments on it." Cho stated smugly. "He must have just got it for her in exchange for shagging her." Harry felt Ginny tense in his arms. "For your information Ms. Chang think ring has been in the Potter family for more generations than I can count. It is enfused with my love and magic, no other witch can ever hope to wear it. It's for my soulmate as I wear the matching ring that bonds us together...heart,body,and soul." Ginny turned in his arms and snogged him passionate. "Last warning Cho and Dean...stay away from my friends,family,and my future wife or you will regret it...I promise." He wrapped Ginny in his arms and they continued on their way to find the others. Dean and Cho stood there gobsmacked.

Summer Vacation (Hinny Fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum