Morning After

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Harry stretched out and felt a warm body next to his. He grinned madly and turned over. Ginny was snuggled up next to him,one of her legs thrown over his. She only wore one of his old t-shirts. He moved her hair out of her face so he could she her better. She looked like an angel laying next to him. "We need to get up love." "Don't want to,it's all warm and snuggly in here." Ginny burrowed in deeper making Harry laugh. "Well I need to go shower babe." Harry began to move and Ginny latched on tighter. "Don't you dare." Harry got loose and darted for the bathroom. "I'll get you for that Potter!" she yelled. "Looking forward to it Weasley."he chuckled. The long hot shower did wonders for his aching muscles. Ginny had made sure he didn't get much sleep but that was fine with him. He got out grabbed a towel and began drying off. With the towel wrapped around his waist he entered his room to find it empty. Guess she already went down to eat. He could hear music and smell food cooking. He went for something to wear when panic set in...his rucksack was gone. "What the hell!"


Everyone was in various states of cooking,eating, and goofing off. Ginny was sitting on the island calmly eating a scone. In an instant everyone went silent, Angelina dropped her cup and there were audible gasps from the ladies.Ginny was sitting backwards to the action,so she calmly turned her head and grinned from ear to ear. "Um...Harry where are your clothes mate?" asked Ron. In the middle of the kitchen stood Harry wearing only a towel and a smile. His hair was still wet and was dripping on his chest. "I think Miss. Weasley can answer that question for everyone." he smirked. Suddenly all eyes were on Ginny. "I have no idea what you mean Mr. Potter. Maybe you lost them when you should have been all warm and snuggly." Harry raised his eyebrows at her,so that was the game she was playing. He walked slowly towards her not noticing all the female eyes upon him,but Ginny did. Harry had filled out very nicely and was getting a very nice tan. Ginny gasped as Harry grabbed her legs and position himself between them. He was being very bold and brave with her 3 older brothers in the room. "I'm getting warm now." he whispered in her ear. Ginny shuddered and protectively wrapped her arms around his neck. "Still don't know where they are?" Ginny said in a sing song voice. "Really, then maybe I should be asking one of the other girl's. I have great methods of getting information." This he said a little louder which caused the girl's to gasp and the boy's to protest. "Oi Potter,is it really necessary to maul our baby sister before breakfast." asked Fred. "Okay I'll just ask someone else for my rucksack...Angelina?" Harry tried to pull away but Ginny had a death grip on him. "Accio Harry's bag!" shouted Ginny. His bag zoomed across the room and landed on the counter. "None of these girl's are touching you prat." He nuzzled her neck and whispered "Wouldn't dream of it,now help me to our room." "Why do you need help?" Harry pulled her closer and she felt his discomfort. "Right." She hopped down grabbed his bag and positioned herself in front of him. His arms automatically wrapped around her waist. "Grab us some food." he whispered. She grabbed a nearby platter of assorted food. "Movies later guys?" Harry called out as Ginny dragged him up the staircase. "Yeah sure Harry." yelled Hermione laughing. Ron looked like he wanted to say something but she gave him the look. The laughter and joking continued but no one noticed the furious looks on the faces of Dean and Cho. Dean nodded at Cho and they slipped out on the patio. "What are we going to do now?" fumed Cho. "It's clearly obvious their shagging now." She was furious. "We just have to play on their insecurities and break them up. At the movies we will start planting seeds of doubt." Dean said calmly. They formed a plan and went back inside.


"You're a very brave man Potter. My brothers wanted to kill you and those slags wanted to do something else entirely. I even think Hermione was drooling a little bit." That stopped Harry from removing her clothes. "Ewww Ginny that's just wrong and I knew you would protect me." he continued nibbling his way down her body,as his towel was flung across the room. Harry cast the conception charm,silencing, and locking charm and threw Ginny in the middle of the bed. "Now how to pass the time until we go to the movies." asked Harry as he stalked towards the bed. Ginny laughed husky as she banished the rest of her clothes. The outside world meant nothing as they spent the day exploring each other. This is what I fought for he thought as he pulled Ginny closer and drifted off to sleep hours later.

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