Invisibility Rocks

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"What the hell happened between them?"asked Ron as they layed by the pool. Everyone was hanging out around the pool. Fred Angelina George and Katie were playing volleyball. Neville and Luna were lounging in the same chair talking. Dean Cho Seamus and Lavender were swimming. Harry had the grill going and Ginny was inside,refusing to come out. "I wish I knew Ron." sighed Hermione. Harry and Ginny hadn't spoken to each other in two days. "Something happened at the movies and I can't get Ginny to talk to me." Hermione said. "I know Harry is the same way." said Ron. They watched as Cho got out of the pool and made her way over to Harry. Her swimsuit left little to the imagination. Hermione could tell she was trying to get Harry back. She was also certain she had something to do with why Harry and Ginny were fighting. "I know she is up to something. I think her and Dean are the reason Harry and Ginny are fighting. We just need some proof." Ron grapped Hermione and dragged her into the house. "Ron what are you doing?" asked Hermione. "I have an idea but we need to talk away from everyone." He took her into their room. "We are going to need to nick Harry's cloak so we can follow Dean and Cho around." "That's brilliant Ron! I can show Harry and Ginny what we find out by using our pensive." Hermione gave Ron a passionate kiss."Bloody hell I should have good ideas more often." exclaimed Ron. Hermione just laughed and they snuck into Harry's room and easily found his cloak in his rucksack.

Back at Pool:

Harry was getting really annoyed with Cho. She would not stop finding reasons to touch and rub up against him. He had hardly slept in two days and his tolerance level was very low. "So Harry since your single wanna give us another go?" Harry looked at her like she had grown two heads. "I'm not single, Ginny and I are just having a disagreement." "Please you two haven't spoken in two days. She's sleeping god knows where and not eating. That's definitely break-up behavior."  She pushed up closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.Ginny was looking out the kitchen window and saw Harry and Cho wrapped in a tight embrace. The tears began to flow again. She couldn't stop them,these past two days had been horrible for her. She had cherished the short time they had together. But deep down she always knew she wasn't good enough for him. She snuck back off to the room she had been hiding in a servant quarters room that nobody seemed to know about.Ron and Hermione witnessed the scene from under the cloak. Ron got so angry his whole face turned red,Hermione wiped the tears away. "I'm gonna throttle him." "Ron wait,look." Ron looked out the window and saw Harry shove Cho away with a disgusted look upon his face. He grapped a butterbeer and went for a walk. They saw Dean and Cho immediately find each other. They hurried outside and stood as close as possible to them. Hermione focused very hard on the conversation for the pensive later.

"This plan ain't working Cho." Dean hissed. "Give it more time Dean. It's only been two days, be patience. You should be trying to comfort Ginny." "I would but I can never find her. I'm starting to feel bad about breaking them up. All the lies have been for nothing so far. Neither of us has gotten what we set out to get." Cho grabbed him by his shirt. "Listen we continue the plan. I will get Harry.He just needs a little more time to get over that slag. I'll have him in my bed before the week is out." Dean sighed but nodded in agreement. "I hope you are because I hate seeing Ginny hurt. She has always really loved him,damn she even saved herself for him." Cho laughed. "Yeah so did he but I'll have him next. Now don't flake out on me,the plan continues." They went separate ways and Hermione all but sat on Ron to keep him from jumping Dean."Those wankers are gonna pay." "Shush Ron,lets get back to the house and figure out how to get Harry and Ginny together so we can show them my pensive memory."

Hermione dragged Ginny into the media room. "Hermione I don't feel like watching a movie." Ginny tried to pull away but didn't have the strength after twi days of no eating and very little sleep. Everyone else was already sitting down comfortable and ready to watch the movie. "Ron I told you I don't want to watch a bloody movie!" "Too bad,you are now sit!" Ron pushed Harry into a empty chair,Hermione sat Ginny into the empty one next to him. They tried to get up but were both placed under a sticking and silencing charm."Now everyone we are going to watch a very special pensive memory of mine.This projector has been charmed to let everyone see and hear my memory." Harry and Ginny both crossed their arms and glared at Ron and Hermione. "Trust us mate,you both are gonna want to watch this." said Ron The memory began to play and Dean and Cho tried to run out but soon realized that they were stuck to their seats also. As the memory played Ginny couldn't stop crying and Harry reached out and took her hand. Hermione released the charms on them but not on Dean and Cho whom both looked truly frightened. Harry picked Ginny up bridal style and walked over to them. "Be out of my house by morning." Dean and Cho nodded fearful. They only just realized they had pissed off the most powerful wizard ever.

Harry carried Ginny to their room. No words were spoken as he undressed her and himself. They showered put on night clothes and crawled into bed. Harry made slow passionate love to her telling her how much he loved her and how sorry he was over and over. Ginny did the same not ever wanting to let him go. They drifted off to sleep and finally slept throughly and peacefully since that day at the movies.

Ron and Hermione watched Cho and Dean pack their belongings and escorted them to the door. No words were spoken as Cho and Dean knew they would never be a part of the group again. Ron and Hermione went to bed knowing their best friends were happy.

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