Packing & Leaving

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"Ron we are leaving in one hour! You had better be packed!" yelled Hermione. Ron groaned as he layed on his bed tossing a quaffle in the air. "Geez, it's like having a second mom. It don't take that long to throw some clothes in a bag." Harry snickered as he finished filling his backpack. Hermione put extendible charms on all their packs so there wouldn't be so much luggage. "You had better listen to her mate, she is right you always wait till the last minute and end up forgetting something." "Fine I'll start now just to get her off my back." Ron got up and started searching for his things. Harry slipped out of the room in search of Ginny. He still owed her for the teasing last week and with everyone busy packing now seemed like the perfect moment. He found her in the laundry room alone bent over getting clothes out of the dryer. "Well, well look what I found here." Ginny jumped at the sound of his voice. She grabbed the last of her things and shut the dryer door. Harry stood in the doorway propped up against the frame with his arms folded over his chest. Ginny couldn't help but take in the view as Harry was wearing tight stonewashed jeans and a white t-shirt that clung to his torso in all the right places. "Enjoying the view?" asked Harry grinning. Ginny realized she had been staring a little too long. "Maybe,you are easy on the eyes...even if you are only eye candy." she smirked. "Really Miss.Weasely? You know I realized in my pea-brain that i owe you some payback for a little ear nibbling last week." Ginny gulped when she realized they were alone and Harry had her trapped. He started inching towards her slowly pinning her against the washer. She clutched the clothes tighter to her chest as she got lost in those emerald eyes. "Now Harry I don't think it wise to try for payback with Ron in the house,do you." "Don't worry your pretty little head about Ron. Hermione has him otherwise occupied." Harry took the laundry out of her grasp and set it aside. "Now I wonder what a proper revenge would be, I mean you did leave me in a rather uncomfortable state and in front of your brother no less." " Now Harry you know it was all fun between friends." Harry was now inches away from her face, Ginny could feel his breathe on her skin and she was getting very hot and frustrated. Just then Harry's hand came to rest on her hip and he rubbed her hipbone as he snaked his other hand in her hair. "Well then as your "friend" I should only return the favor." Ginny was sure she had stopped breathing as Harry's lips were almost on hers. As she prepared for his revenge her arms found their way around his waist. Harry slowly leaned in and at the last minute went for her neck. He trailed light kisses from her ear ending at her collarbone, picking certainly moments to suck her neck a little. It took all he had to stop when he did for he planned so much more revenge when they got to paradise. "That should do for now."  Ginny stood there gobsmacked as Harry left the room.

"Write me once a week,eat enough,and act responsible." Mrs.Weasely was giving them all bone crushing hugs as they were fighting to leave. "We will mom now we really need to go." Ron and Hermione left first, Harry

pulled Ginny close to his body."Hold on tight I wouldn't want to lose you. There are some body parts I would greatly miss." he whispered in her ear. Mrs.Weasely heard bye mum as they apparated away.

Summer Vacation (Hinny Fic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum